I Only Have Eyes For You

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Ava escaped far away to a country she always wanted to go to, where she longed for. In Nora's view, Ava always belonged there anyway.

Ava sat outside in a coffee shop, reading a book as she drank her coffee- loud music were playing in different shops and Ava enjoyed that.

Ava cut her hair short,it reached her chin. The girl was so relaxed that she didn't care about her surroundings- she didn't bother if someone was after her or not.

Sam, Nora and Nathan covered their faces with a newspaper, huddled together watching her from the other side of the coffee shop. "So, why Cuba?" Nathan asked Nora, wondering why Ava came to Cuba out of all places.

"It was her dream to come here- she wants to live here." Nora said, pushing her sunglasses back up her nose. "I think we should just talk to her." Sam said getting off the chair but was pulled back by Nora.

"Excuse me honey, I think you mean you go talk to her not we." She sassed him. "She's leaving." Nathan caught the two's attention. Their eyes followed Ava- she got off her seat and Sam noticed the blue floral sun dress she was wearing.

"C'mon lover boy." Nora pulled him up and they all followed behind Ava secretly. It took them half an hour to follow Ava back into her place. "Well now we know where she lives, c'mon lets go back to our hotel." Nathan said, linking his arm with Nora.

As Nora and Nathan walked back, Sam stood still, he looked up to a window being opened by Ava, he quickly assumed it was her apartment. The scene was as if the two were out of a love movie from the 50s.

It has only been 5 months that they were apart and she already looked so different, she looked beautiful.

"¡Hola!" Ava said to her neighbor as their windows were quite close. Her neighbor greeted her kindly and then, Ava went back inside.

A minute after, Sam watched Ava sit on the window's ledge, looking over the city with a bright smile on her face. He never saw this happy before. He witnessed a ginger cat jump on her lap and started to brush its cheek on her fingers.

He felt himself starting to sweat, his heart rate speeding. How was he going to talk to her again? He wasn't sure if he was excited to talk to her again or whether he was nervous to talk to her. Nora and Nathan came with him to accompany him and help the poor guy. He'd feel terrible if he did waste their time.

He finally snapped out of it and realized how much of a stalker he was being. So, he sat in a nearby cafe, smoking, drinking a beer and thinking to himself.

Sam didn't notice how long he was there, he was so deep in his thoughts that he could've never come back out of it.

As he looked towards Ava's building, surprisingly he spotted Ava walking out of her building. He was cowering for too long and he needed to speak to her.

"Come on Sam, you can do this." He encouraged himself, rushing out of the cafe and fixing his shirt, only after he was closer behind Ava did he slow down.

As she turned a sharp corner he followed her again, but this time, something grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and slammed him to the wall.

"You've been following and watch me-" Her eyes widened in realization to who it was she was dealing with. "Hello Ava." Sam grinned at the woman who let go of his collar.

"What're you doing here? How did you-" She shut her mouth quickly, trying to register everything. "I came here to talk to you." He confessed- he was surprised but proud of how he was so straight forward and how confident he was being.

As her eyes locked with his, he mentally slapped himself knowing how wrong he was. Who was kidding? He was beginning to become nervous.

"Come then." She said to him, dragging him to a taxi. "A la Playa, por favor." She told the driver who granted her wish and started driving.

The two sat on a big rock watching the ocean; they walked from the beach to the other side, where there were less people and sand.

They sat quietly at first, Sam glancing back and forth at Ava, unsure what to say. She sighed and pushed her hair back. "Sam...why did you come all this way?" He was expecting her voice to be harsh, but it was only gentle and soft towards him.

"I...I wanted t-to say I'm sorry. Ava I really am sorry, what I did back then- I was selfish and I only thought about myself. I know-" As he was starting to get more nervous, Ava stopped him.

"I forgive you."

"W-What?" In reality, he was being more honest to Ava than any other woman in his life. And in honesty, he was being more honest to her than anyone else.

"I told you. I forgive you. Besides, it was a long time ago...no need to dwell on the past." She told him calmly.

The two spent the rest of their time roaming around Havana until it was dark, Ava invited him back to her apartment.

As the man entered, he noticed the very light yellow pastel walls, her very neat home that held very little things. He also noticed Ava's new cat sleeping on the sofa.

"Whats its name?" He asked, sitting next to it on the sofa. "Felix." She replied simply from the other room.

Sam noticed her record player in the corner and played the music. The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You, started playing.

The other thing that Sam noticed about Ava is that she loved old things, she always did. Sam turned around to find Ava at the doorway, arms crossed and a smile on her face.

He combed his hair back with his fingers and waltz towards the girl- he grabbed her hand and led her to the middle of the room.

He placed his hands respectfully on her waist and then, they started to sway. "I can't see anyone but you.." He sang to Ava, making her chuckle.

He sounded like a drowning cat but she didn't care and he didn't care too.

"I only have eyes for you..." He sang again. This time, instead of Ava's head being in the crook of his neck, her eyes met his.

The window was still open, allowing the moonlight to hit her face and glowed in her eyes. The two never broke eye contact, not for a second.

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