The Missing Puzzle Piece

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Ava and Nathan were pulled back into the bushes, still with hands around their mouths. Before Nathan could start kicking, he was interfered. "I really hope you got terrified- you deserve it." Nora said cheerfully as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Before we open your mouths- shoreline are here." Sam whispered and his grasp on Ava was gone. "What the hell- Nora." Ava huffed slapping Nora's arm gently.

"And you." She huffed angrily again and slapped Sam's forearm. "Did you miss me?" Sam said in a whisper- he whispered in her ear from behind her.

"No." She said feeling flustered. "Well I missed you, thank god you're okay." He kissed her cheek lightly making her feel like she was in high school again. "Would you two stop the loving." Nathan said playfully.

"Wait- shh, there they are." Nora said pointing at the incoming shoreline group. "Lets split up." Sam said before going his way, crouching in the bushes like a wild animal- or just a dog who went for a leek.

"I swear man- his wife is hot! I'd like to bang 'er." One of the shoreline men said to his friend, a big pathetic grin on his face. "Dude, that's wrong!" His friend said, shoving him lightly.

"After we're done with this, I'm gonna pay her a visit." He said disgustingly. It made Nora and Ava want to barf, they rolled their eyes as they glanced at each other- the two snuck up behind them.

Ava tapped the pervert's shoulder. "Hello boys." She said- the two were rather in sync, they both punched their victims in the face, kicking them in the groin.

"Well, thats that for them." Nora said wiping away the non existent dirt on her hands.

As the group went further into the messy forest, they found what they never thought they would.

A secret community that hasn't been discovered at all. "Oh man I'm gonna be famous! Sam Drake discovered the missing utopia!" He talked to himself.

"And Nathan Drake." His brother added, tapping him lightly on his shoulder. "And Nathan Drake." Sam said without amusement- sighing.

Nora cleared her throat, "And Nora!" Sam sighed again, "And Nora." Ava chuckled at the three from the back.

The three began to explore, Nora and Nathan drifting off together- observing ornaments that were used by the people long ago.

Sam noticed that Ava didn't mention her name for getting famous when Nora and his little brother mentioned theirs. He began to wonder why?

He found Ava in one of the small houses made out of wood that surprisingly was holding on fine, except a few damaged areas and a few holes.

Ava brushed her fingers over a fragile doll that was on the table beside an open window that allowed the light to come in.

Before Sam could approach her, he stood in his place for a moment. His mouth agape and his eyes twinkling. The man was blown away.

The light that came in from the broken window hit Ava perfectly- it hit her skin perfectly, it showed the highlights in her hair, it showed the twinkles in her eyes and illuminated the dust around her that were floating in the air- as if it was fairy dust.

Some sense was knocked back into the man and he began walking towards her. "Hey." He said with a gentle voice and a gentle smile.

"Hey Sam- look at what I found." She took the doll and placed it in his hand. "Thats delightful..." sam shuddered at the creepy doll's face that was made out of leaves.

"This place is wonderful." Ava said in bewilderment, leaning over the table lightly, hoping it wouldn't break. "Then why didn't you mentioned your name to be famous- finding this place?" He walked in front of her and leaned closer to her.

"Because I believe this place should remain a secret. Fame isn't everything." She smiled up at him. "Deep words coming from a little woman." He said to annoy her with a little grin on his face.

"I'm not little Sam!" She huffed and stood up, her chest inches from his as she looked up at him furiously- Sam looking below him at the woman with amusement.

"You're just a giant! I don't understand why you have to be so tall! Its not my fault I'm short!"

Nora and Nathan walked around, going into barns and houses. Nora shuddered at the horse skeleton that she stumbled upon, quickly she was by Nathan's side leaving the skeleton.

"Are you still mad at me?" Nathan said, stopping in his tracks and facing his wife. "No I'm not." She said brushing her fingers on his arm.

"But I want you to tell me everything Nathan, don't lie to me." She said almost in a begging tone, the guilt that Nathan felt was strong- he hugged his wife tightly and she did too.

"I promise that I won't hide anything from you Nory." She pecked his lips at his promising words. In the corner of their eyes, there was something moving.

Their attention drifted to Sam and Ava at the window. "Are they arguing...?" Nathan asked. "Well, it looks like it doesn't it?" Nora said.

And in a swift motion from Sam, they weren't arguing anymore. He was kissing her and she didn't stop it. "Woah woah! Since when were they-" Nathan was cut off by Nora, shoving her hand in his face to close his eyes. "Nora, what are you doing?"

"Shhh child, I'm shielding you from their sinful behavior!" She said whispering loudly. "I'm a full grown man, Nora." He said in amusement.

"Shhh young one!"

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