Long Gone

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"Holy fuck." Ava and Nora both whispered in utter shock, their eyes twinkling as it landed on the cross. "You really did it." Nora said with a bright smile and scoffed in disbelief.

The group began to decode the tiny riddles given to them on how to reach the treasure. It was more like, Sam, Nora, Ava and Nathan breaking the code. Rafe wasn't so much in it, as he knew barely anything.

While they were all busy, they group were interrupted by an invasion. The invasion of the other inmates.

The inmates started pointing at Nathan and Ava while spitting in Spanish. "You just had to pick a fight with that one?" Rafe said in a panicking tone.

"Apparently they aren't only angry with Nate, what did you do this time Avy?" Nora said. Sam and Ava glanced at each other and quickly glanced back at the incoming inmates.

After their successful fight that Ava handled pretty well, the guards decided to break the fight and the five were sent to Vargas's office.

As soon as they entered, Vargas threatened them with his sharp tone and his small pistol, wanting a cut. They all agreed that they would split the money until, Rafe did the biggest mistake that will bring them all hell. Especially one person who will be taking it the most.

Rafe shot Vargas and his body laid on the ground, bleeding out. Vargas was gone. "Are you crazy?!" Nathan shouted. And before they knew it, guards were surrounding them.

They began to make a run for it, they found an escape route from the building through a window. They were to follow the lighthouse, where the boat was waiting for them.

They jumped and climbed buildings, running for their lives. As they were climbing up one building, Ava grabbed a weak side of the building and fell.

Guards were surrounding her, it was ten guards against one girl. Quickly, Nora, Nathan and Sam dropped down to help their friend in need. Except Rafe, who didn't care to help out even when he looked at the girl's situation.

After beating the guards effortlessly, they made a run for it again. Once again they caught up with Rafe, after Sam climbed the ladder, Nathan was supposed to until Rafe pushed him.

"After you... Asshole." Nathan scoffed, he allowed Nora to go first and went last, since Ava was allowed to go first by Sam.

They kept running and jumping along with climbing, it was a never ending escape to Ava.

Finally, they were just a minute away from the boat. Sam was the last to climb, until he almost fell and he was caught by Nathan and Ava.

"Come on, I'm holding on just climb." Nathan said as he tried his best to pull up his older brother with Ava.

Ava heard gun shots and saw Sam flinched. Her heart instantly fell. "Sam..?" She said in a whisper, she saw a glint of fear when he looked up at the two most important people in his life.

He coughed up his blood, Nathan and Ava looked back at Sam with horror. It couldn't be happening. Right?

After encouraging words from Nathan and Ava that Sam could do it and push himself up, Sam loosened his grip on their hands and fell to his death.

"No!" Ava screamed at the top of her lungs, tears poured down her cheeks and stained the front of her shirt. "Guys we c-can't leave him lets go back and get him!" Ava said.

Nathan agreed but the two were stopped by Rafe, Nora was only in shock and didn't know how to process the situation, everything happened so quickly.

Rafe pulled Nathan and he started running away with Nora. But Ava wouldn't let go, Rafe had to carry her away.

They ran through the miniature side of the jungle, and jumped into the ocean. They climbed on the boat and everyone was silent. Nora was trying to comfort Nathan but all he could do was stare at his boots.

For Ava, she felt sick. The image of Sam coughing up his blood was stuck in her head, every time she blinked, that was the only thing she saw.

She quickly stood up and leaned at the edge of the boat, vomiting. That caught Nathan's attention, he quickly went by her side by the company of Nora.

"J-Just let it out." Nora said while she rubbed her back. Nathan noticed that Ava was starting to shake, and after she was done being sick, Nathan hugged her tightly while pulling in Nora.

The three began to cry silently, not knowing the other one was in tears. For Rafe, he didn't really care as he sat next to the driver.

"He's long gone." That was all Ava could think about. "He's never coming back again." Was sealed in her mind.

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