On The Way To Scotland

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"I beg you, have mercy on my soul. Please, mercy...please..." Nathan was tied up on the chair, he was shivering from the cold and his wet clothes.

"No." The woman had the gun to his head as she said coldly.

"Sam! Sullivan! Please! Look I'm sorry!" Nathan begged once more. "Its getting really cold now, please shut the balcony." He begged like a little boy.

"No." Ava pulled the trigger of the gun at Nathan's forehead and he began to scream.

Sam and Sullivan entered the room to shut Nathan up. "Hey, people are getting suspicious calm down you two!" Sullivan said shutting the door quickly.

"Come on please Ava." Nathan begged but another smirk was placed on her lips, she pulled the trigger again and water came out, shooting at Nathan's neck.

"Where'd you get the water gun?" Sam asked Ava confused as he watched the woman torture his younger brother.

"I have my ways." She replied, her eyes still glued on Nathan. "Its enjoyable to watch...but, can I try?" Sam said smirking at his younger brother.

"Here." Ava handed the water gun to Sam. "Enjoy." She smiled at Nathan.

"Okay fine! I'm sorry I lied to Nora!" Nathan admitted. Ava clapped his shoulder and sat on the bed. "Took you long enough."

"Okay now can you please stop!" Nathan said to his older brother. "Actually... I'm enjoying this." Sam said chuckling.

"Alright you two, we have to get going." Sullivan untied Nathan and let him free. "Finally!" Nathan quickly ran away so he couldn't miss his chance of freedom.

"We have to fly out to Scotland." Sullivan finished as he watched Nathan trip a little but continued running to his room.

The three landed in Scotland, they began to roam around in the snow and cold air. Sullivan stayed in his plane just in case the three needed back up.

Ava wished she stayed back with Sullivan, her feet were freezing and she didn't really mind the cold, in fact she loved it. But she just didn't feel comfortable when her feet were cold.

After Nathan ended his conversation with Sullivan, a mischievous smile spread across his lips and right away, Ava read his mind.

"Nathan, please. Im sorry for what I did earlier-" Before she could continue her begging, her face was pushed right in the snow.

Sam stood there, feeling awkwardly left out. "You get what you deserve Black!" Nathan said as he chuckled.

Playtime was cut short, the three faced their enemies. Shoreline. Not only were they the only ones trying to find Avery's treasure, Rafe was competing too. And he decided to bring an army with him.

The three were fighting amazingly, until Nathan was held back so Ava decided to help him. Although she was not aware that someone was behind her.

"Ava!" Sam shouted, noticing the man behind her. He grabbed Ava's head and hit her on the rock, knocking her out.

Sam was angry. He ran as fast as a cheetah and jumped on the man, pinning him and shooting him in the head.

He quickly went yo assist Ava as Nathan was finishing off the last one of them. "Ava?" He shook her gently but she was passed out. He realized there was a bruise forming on her temple already and it was bloody. He hit her hard.

"Oh Ava..."

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