All Apologies

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Ava woke up from her throbbing headache. She groaned loudly as she went under the covers to hide her face from the sunlight that found its way into her bedroom.

She didn't even remember how she got back home, all she could remember was how drunk she was.

She regretted it this afternoon, like always.

She found herself in her underwear and her Metallica oversized shirt that reached above her knee. She scrambled out her only to find Nora, Sam and Nathan sitting and staring at her as she grabbed her head.

"Did I change my own clothes?" She asked sitting beside Nathan as she massaged her head.

"You put on quite a show." Nathan teased her. "Wait what?!" Ava panicked, hoping that she didn't strip while she was drunk.

"He's teasing. Surprisingly yesterday you were really drunk but you managed to change on your own." Nora placed a cup of tea in front of Ava.

"With your t-shirt backwards, might I add." Sam pinched her t-shirt while smirking, she smacked his hand away but that only made him smile more.

"Rafe is coming here today." Nora spat out quickly. "What?!" Ava spat out. "Why?!"

"What's the deal with you and Rafe?" Nathan asked curiously. "I don't agree that he should come-" Nathan said.

"N-Nathan, not this again. Please, we talked about this." Sam pulled out his cigarette and lit it.

"We can do this without Rafe." Ava begged.

"You know you're gonna have to see him sometime right?" Nora raised her eyebrow and grinned at her frustrated friend.

"I don't plan on doing that now." Ava replied harshly. Before she could continue with her dramatics, the doorbell buzzed.

"Oh god have mercy on my soul." She face palmed and exhaled loudly.

"Hello, Ava." Rafe said slowly with a smile as he sat next to Sam. "Well hello indeed." Ava said with a smile and a flat tone.

Nora quickly stepped in before things could escalate between the two, she pulled them into the conversation. The conversation that will change their life.

The first step into Panama.

After Rafe left the apartment, Ava left to her room. "Soo... What's the deal with those two?" Sam asksd Nora as the two brothers decided to crash at the girls' for the night.

They sat around the table, playing all sorts of card game with bets. He lost half his money to Nora. Even though Ava excelled with her billiard skills, Nora was excellent in taking your money when it came to card games.

"Well... The two used to date." Nora said as her eyes never left her cards. "She dated that asshole?" Nathan asked in a scoff and disbelief.

"Well, she was in for his money since the both of us almost went homeless. We had nothing, she just wanted to support me. Sometimes, she acts as if she's my mother when it comes to things like this." Nora chuckled.

"But, she fell for Rafe and they dated for three years. They did some business work together that got us both on our feet. Sully tried to warn her that Rafe was only in love with money, Ava was too blind to see, until one day." Nora finished.

"Until one day...? What?" Sam asked her to proceed with the story.

Before Nora could open her mouth, Ava was already standing there, dressed properly in her tight maroon dress, boots and her bomber jacket.

"Until he cheated on me. I caught him but he didn't know what I saw. So I destroyed 30% of his father's business while stealing some money from Rafe and his father." All heads whipped at Ava as she explained flatly.

"And where are you going?" Nora said as she looked up and down, eyeing her friend.

"Well, if we are going to Panama we need some supplies dumb ass. We can't enter a man's prison looking like women, now can we?"

"Again, I'm fine there was no reason for you to tag along." Sam decided to follow her to wherever she wanted to go just in case she felt too sick because of her hangover.

"In case you forgot princess, you drank the whole bar yesterday. You are still hungover, just wanted to make sure nothing happens." Sam said as he grabbed a pair of scissors and dropped it in the trolley.

Ava gave in and kept quiet, looking for other items that would be of use.

"So-" Ava read Sam's mind, knowing exactly what he was going to ask her.

"Yes Sam, I'm single." She sang without any amusement in her voice. "How'd you know I was going to ask that?" Sam said impressed.

"A guy like you, I know what they're gonna ask first." She shrugged, picking up a box of cat food.

"I didn't see any cat in your apartment, you have a cat?" Sam asked in curiosity.

"No, I have some outside in the streets though."

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