What is Nora up to?

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AN; to whoever is gonna get confused, this is just a POV of Nora while Nathan, Ava and Sam get their shit together in the cathedral stuff, hope you enjoy!


Nora travelled to Switzerland for business. The thing is, she hid just a little secret from Nathan. Since they were done with their treasure hunting business, Nora had something of her own.

She traveled a little bit (whenever Nathan couldn't have the chance to get suspicious) and made some business deal, dealing with treasures.

Once she came back from Switzerland with 100,000 in her bank account, she felt that if she was keeping a secret from Nathan, maybe he is too. Along with her best friend Ava.

She asked his boss if he was indeed doing the Malaysia job along with Ava since they worked together, and their boss said no.

Nora was furious but at the same time, she couldn't be a hypocrite could she? She had her own secrets too.

"Oh what am I going to do with you two." She sighed loudly at the thought of Nathan and Ava. She threw her keys on the table, and then she threw herself on the sofa and sighed again louder than the first time.

Did they start their treasure hunting again without her knowledge and was it because of her? She tried to call Sullivan but he wasn't picking and so was Ava.

But Nora couldn't help the good times she had with Ava, it was unforgettable.

"Happy birthday Norty! You're 16, what you wanna do?" Ava said handing her gift to her. "Wait! Open it first!" Ava said.

"Chill woman, I will!" Nora chuckled as she opened the small box that contained her present. "Did you steal this?" Nora asked with a raised brow. Ava got her her favorite band hoodie in her favourite colour red.

"Honest, I didn't! I had to work for that, and you assuming that I stole it is a low blow." Ava pouted. "I'm just teasin ya! C'mere ya piece of trash!" She
squeezed her best friend in a neck lock and messed her hair.

"Lets do something fun." Nora said to Ava finally letting her go. "Like?" Ava said as she fixed her hair. "C'mon you know what you do for fun! Lets go steal something." Quickly, Ava got excited.

"I'm in!" Ava said cheerfully.

The two teens targeted an old man in a fancy white suit, they both knew he had money from his ego, how he walked and how he kept his head high. "Alright Norty-Nort, I'll have you as back and distraction if anything goes wrong." She said.

"Ay-ay captain." Nora answered flatly. Quickly, Ava sped off and Nora watched her as she followed the man. Nora watched as Ava was being very careful in how she was trying to sneak on him. She placed her hand in his jacket smoothly, but he took notice and grabbed her wrist.

Nora had to act quickly. So she ran towards them. "Lemme go!" Ava tried to pull back her wrist but struggled. "You're a smart kid, I'm pretty sure you have back up don't you." He said calmly.

Nora was taken aback by how he noticed her sneak up on him while he was busy with Ava. "Uh...What do we do now Avy?" Nora whispered, pretending that the total stranger wasn't there. Ava looked at her and shrugged, her wrists still held by the strange man.

"What if you two work for me?" The stranger offered. "Look mister! If you're a pedo or you're into kinky shit! We don't want non 'a that baloney!" Ava said defensively.

"Its not like that, I make money and I have a business, I need smart girls like you two!" The man cackled. "What do you do in your so called "business" hm?" Nora said crossing her arms.

"Victor Sullivan. I make deals with people who are interested in antiques and what you may call treasures, kiddo."

And that's how it all started. A little bit of experience and there came Sullivan to make them professionals and have a little family between the three. But it wasn't only memories of Sullivan and Ava that was cheerful and lovable. There was Nathan too.

"Hey, can you pass me that?" Nathan asked Nora to pass him the ketchup. "No." She aggressively poked her fries and chewed angrily. Why was she angry? Because Nathan had to flirt with her and made her catch extreme feelings for him, yet, he ditches her and goes with Elena.

"Please?" He begged. "Why don't ya ask sweet lil' Elena?" She said disgusted, chewing angrily on her burger. "Are you...jealous of Elena...?" Nathan asked like a lost puppy.

"Just.Shut.Up.Nate." She said angrily. Elena and Ava went to meet up with Sullivan for some business discussions earlier, leaving Nate and Nora alone.

Nathan couldn't stand seeing her like this, he wanted to understand what was bothering her. He couldn't let her be upset the whole time, he couldn't. He cared for her too much. "Please tell me what's wrong Nory."

She slammed her fists on the table, her nose scrunched up in annoyance, her cheeks were getting red and her eyes started to tear up. "Stop it Nathan! You flirt with me and make me attached to you, and you make me think I like you. But then? You go off and flirt with little bubble head Elena! Make up your mind!"

Nathan stared blankly at her and before she could storm off in embarrassment of her sudden outburst, he grabbed her and kissed her passionately. "I like you Nora. Elena is just a friend."

And after that, they hit it off secretly and later decided to get married after the Panama incident. "Ugh! That's it!" Nora said frustratingly to herself. She was gonna track the two and get to them as soon as she can.

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