You always have to appreciate the view

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Sam was leaning over the balcony of their motel, a cigarette between his fingers and Ava beside him. She tied her hair in a high ponytail in quick motions, her sweat was trickling at the back of her neck; Madagascar was a hot place, especially during the wet season.

Sam scanned her body, not to be a perv (yeah right) but to take her details in, her legs were toned perfectly, not too big and not too small - her hips were curved and her arms was just right according to him.

While Ava wore her blue tank-top and shorts, it revealed the many scars she received throughout the years, and there was one scar that caught his attention the most; it was on her forearm and the scar was rather big.

"How did you get that, if I may ask?" Sam said from beside her, inhaling his smoke sharply. He rubbed his finger over her scar, sending shivers down her spine.

"Well, you could say a pretty nasty fight- it was actually in a bar, it was one time I got caught stealing a drunk man's money, things escalated and I ended up with a scar. Don't tell Nora I said that, she doesn't know."

"Well, you know Ava..." Sam said going in the room quickly and coming back with two beers, "You do need to return my 350 back." He gave her the brightest and mischievous smile as he handed her the beer.

"I thought you were over that." She sighed. "Nope." He said popping the 'p', his mischievous smile still on his face.

A small smile was on Ava's lips as she turned to the beautiful view that Madagascar gave; mountains in the distance, trees and the small rooftops in the foreground while the moon and the stars shined brightly.  

"You know what I'm thinking?" Sam said. "You wanna have a hot make out session?" She cocked her brow at the man, a playful smirk tugging on her lips.

"Oh you know me so well." He said getting closer to her. But, she placed her palms on his chest, stopping him. Her mouth neared his ear, making sure her voice was low and her lips would slightly brush on his ear.

"Easy cowboy, I'm not gonna make it that easy for you." She gave him a final look, kissing his cheek and wishing him a goodnight.

A loud horn erupted from beside Ava, next to her ear. She jolted from the bed with a loud gasp. "What the hell!"

"Riiiiseee and shine ya lil' liar, its time for the treasure hunting to begin." Nora shouted with excitement, blowing the horns a couple of times more before leaving the room, not waiting for a response from her best friend.

Ava struggled to get out of  her bed and struggled to get to the door, once she did, she found a very sleep deprived Nathan with messy hair standing next to Sam.

"Are you a victim of your wife's sinful behavior?" Ava said rather harshly, her hair messy too- Sam clearly enjoying her stressful view.

"Yep." Nathan said with an unamused look on his face.

"Is she still mad?" Ava asked.


"Did she let you sleep on the sofa?" Ava hoped it was a yes- that means Nora wasn't completely angry.



"Yep. No pillow or blanket. Deserved it." He sighed loudly.

Sam chuckled, smacking his brother on the back, "Well, at least she's not calm while doing it- if she was, you would have known she already lost it."

Their next task was to search little islands for clues- which they happily did. Sam drove the boat, Nora stood beside him with her arms crossed tightly on her chest- Nathan and Ava were sulking at the back while rubbing their temples because of their upcoming headaches.

"God- its like you two are hungover." Sam said loudly over the boat's engine, chuckling. "Well, it does feel like it." Nathan sighed loudly.

"It's because of your vicious wife." Ava said to Nathan- quickly, Nora turned around and eyed Ava. If looks could kill, Ava would have been ripped apart under a minute.

"Lovely wife, I mean lovely wife!" Ava chuckled nervously under her friend's mean almond shaped eyes.

The group went back and forth to several different islands, trying to find clues and they did find a lot. A big hall with paintings that were destroyed with words on them like 'thief'.

Secret hideouts were discovered too.

Once they found the pirate-made statue as Sam called it, they were heading to a farther island.

"The weather doesn't look too good." Sam said from beside Ava. "Yes, thank you Sam for pointing out the obvious." Ava said flatly.

The storm was getting harsher by the minute and it wasn't looking too god, it was difficult for Nathan to see or drive the boat.

As Nora looked behind them and into the distance, she saw upcoming boats that became clearer each step they took.

"Hey guys, we have another problem besides the weather- we've got company." Nora said as she quickly pulled out her gun.

"Oh shoot, I was planning to take a small nap!" Ava groaned taking her gun out too. "In this weather? Really?" Sam said in disbelief. "I mean...yeah..." Ava avoided his gaze.

The three shot at upcoming boats and the men that it carried, Nathan bumped into smaller boats making them crash.

They were doing good until a bigger boat hit theirs, making them hit a big rock.

As everything crashed, Ava heard Nathan calling out for Nora and Sam's grip was tight on her wrist. Her head hit something hard that was unknown to her before she hit the water.

And then, everything went black.

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