Panama, Here We Come

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Nora and Ava were dressed like men, they wrapped their chests with gauze and proper equipments to make their chests flat. They cut their hair so they would look more approved for the guards that they were in fact, 100% male.

"Right now, you look like a fifteen year old teenage boy." Rafe told Ava with a chuckle. She turned back to look at where he was seated and placed a horrific smile on her face. "If you don't shut up. I will snap your micro-dick in half." And with that, she turned around and faced the road.

Sam chuckled while he drove the van.

They were to meet Vargas half way before they reached the prison and enter an official police van to send them in. Really, it was only to make it seem official. It was only a show.

"Alright, this is where we meet him." Rafe said as he was sat beside a sleeping Nora. "C'mon snorlax, wake up." Nathan tapped her shoulder instantly jerking her awake.

"I'm awake!" She said. The group got out of the van and were escorted to the police van to take to prison.

"Ah! How beautiful. Sun on my head. Sweaty and smelly men. Can it get any better?" Ava said sarcastically as she sat next to Nora in the court yard.

"Its only been three days and I'm going to go insane." Nora groaned. "My cellmate jerks off whenever he thinks I'm asleep. I can't eat anymore because of him."

"You my friend..." Ava clapped her hand on Nora's shoulder. "Are gonna need therapy once you're out of here."

Ava's eyes landed on Sam as he was dealing cigarettes in a corner. She watched how he was tricking every inmate, stealing their cigarettes without their knowledge.

As he turned around, his eyes landed on her from afar. He noticed she was looking but at that moment, she couldn't help but to not look away from him.

They both smiled at each other and it didn't go unnoticed by Nora. Unfortunately, it didn't go unnoticed by Rafe either. Even though he was on the other side of the court yard.

"Somebody has a crush." Nora sang to her friend while wiggling her brows. "I don't!" Ava's smile was wiped off her face and her gaze fell to the floor.

"Oh come on! Ever since he got you home when you were drunk, I knew you guys would have feelings for one another." Nora said.

"Oh you're talking as if you don't fancy Nathan!" Ava whispered harshly to her friend, only so she could hear it.

Nora gasped loudly, covering her mouth with her hand. "I do not!" Nora said sternly. "Oh yes you do Norty! I can see it!"

Before Nora could dominate her friend, Nathan joined them. "Is... Is this a wrong time?" Nathan asked awkwardly.

"No! No! Not at all! Sit!" Nora said while waving her hands nervously and then patting the seat next to her. Nathan sat down next to Nora and stretched his body.

The three watched as Rafe was talking to Sam about something they couldn't quite make out. All attention was on Ava as she groaned in disgust.

"What?" Nathan asked the girl. "Him. I wish he didn't have to come with." Immediately the two knew what she was talking about.

"Tell me about it. He's an ass." Nathan agreed, leaving Nora to roll her eyes.

"Come on! He got us in here, you both need to calm yourselves." While Nora and Nathan continued to argue about Rafe, Ava locked eyes with Rafe.

And at that moment, her stomach started to pound and she felt sick. Very sick.

It was already nightfall, and that means all inmates were to go to their cells for lights out. While Nora shared her cell with a jerker, Nathan and Rafe were to share a cell together. Leaving Sam and Ava to share a cell.

Sam couldn't help but notice how the girl was shivering, even though it was like Panama was in an oven and everyone in the prison were constantly sweating.

But even in the dark, he could see her shivering. "Ava.." He whispered to her. "Hmm?" She replied, still shivering.

"Are you okay?" His question didn't get answer, so he took that as a no. The only idea came to mind was that she had fallen ill.

He quickly remembered the times where Nathan himself got sick and would lash out the same way.

He pushed himself from his so called bed and sat on hers, he placed his hand on her forehead only to find that it was burning hot.

"Hey, hey, Ava... You can't get sick now. I don't want them finding out you're a woman." He whispered to her while he tried rubbing her arm for comfort.

He watched as she curled into a fetus position to keep herself warm. He laid down next to her and whispered in her ear. "Come here.."

Without a word from her she quickly turned around, he instantly wrapped his arms around her and intertwined their legs. He rubbed her back and arms, trying his best to warm her up.

"W-What if the guards see us?" She whispered to him, looking up at him only to see him already looking down at her.

"Then they'll enjoy the show." He said with a chuckle making her giggle. "Don't worry, they won't." He kissed the top of her head.

He waited till Ava fell asleep, he removed his uniform shirt and covered her body with it.

Even though he would have loved to stay longer, he couldn't.

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