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"I can't believe they're late. They are always late." Already, Sullivan and Ava flew to Italy on their own while Sam and Nathan took their separate ways.

Sullivan and Ava were waiting for Nathan and Sam to arrive at the auction to get the original cross they didn't retrieve back in Panama.

"Relax sweetie, they'll be here." Sullivan lit up his cigar while he sat beside a lamp. Ava checked herself out in the mirror just to make sure if she looked at least presentable.

Sullivan knew that Ava was not much on dresses, but this time she was showing otherwise. She fixed her hair properly, tucked on her dress and checked her own makeup while she was nervous.

"You look stunning, you don't have to worry about Sam, he'll love it." A playful grin was on his face as he watched the girl spin around as her cheeks began to turn a bright red.

"What?! Me?! No! I-I don't care what Sam will think, what're you talking about Sully!" Sullivan began to chuckle as the girl began to panic, he quickly flickered the lights to give the signal to Nathan.

"See? I told you he wasn't gonna back out." Nathan raised his brow at his defeated brother. Sam made a quick and false judgement about Sullivan, saying that he was not to be trusted.

But Sam was proven wrong when Sullivan started to flicker the lamp light to show the brothers his location. They began to climb towards the building.

Once they climbed, Sam hesitated to enter, he began to fix his suit and smooth out his hair. "Come on, lets go." Nathan said, pushing the window open slightly.

"How do I look?" Again, Sam smoothed out a wrinkle on his suit. "You look like 500 million bucks, lets go-" Realization hit the younger brother as a smile creeped on his face.

"You're nervous about Ava, aren't you?" Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Uh no Nathan."

"You totally are." Nathan chuckled to himself and opened the window and got in.

Ava waited outside the room while she watched the people under her from the railing. She got impatient and decided to have a little walk outside.

She noticed that they changed the order which was another problem they had to solve. "Ava.." Sullivan caught her attention.

She turned around to see Nate and Sam.

"Nate, Sam." Ava greeted and eyed Sam while her eyes glittered. Nathan and Sullivan noticed how Sam was completely struck by lightening when his eyes landed on Ava. Quickly both Nate and Sullivan took noticed how the two were eyeing each other.

"I think we might have a bit of a problem here, they changed the order." Ava came clean to the three, quickly Sam was disappointed and it was clear on his face.

"We need a new plan." Nathan said. The four began to huddle around a small round table coming up with a plan.

A male waiter approached Ava, offering her some Pasties. Although, Sam was not very happy with how the waiter was being flirty with Ava.

Nathan saw the jealousy on his brothers face, instantly he knew that Ava was never gonna be one of of the lady victims on his list.

"Grazie." Ava said as she gave him a smile while she watched him walk away. "I have an idea." Ava said.

"What? Make out with the waiter so he could let us in?" Sam scoffed while he said to himself. "One of us could be the waiter." Ava said while she ignored what Sam said.

"Great, Sam you do be the waiter along with Ava, Sullivan will keep an eye out while I turn off the electricity." Nathan said.

"Sounds great to me." Sullivan said, abandoning his cigar on a clean ashtray.

"Shit." The door was locked. "Can't we pick it?" Sam asked. "Uh, no. We can not." Nathan said. "Its electrical Sam, we need the card." Suddenly a waiter comes out of the door and eyed us suspiciously as we backed away.

We all watched the waiter put the card in his back pocket. Bingo.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get it." Sam said while he cracked his knuckles. "Uh no you are not. I'll do it." Before Sam could reply, Nathan walked away to get the card.

Once he came back, he didn't have the key and Sam started to make fun of him. "Just let Ava do it, she's a good pick pocketer." Sullivan said.

"Yeah she is, she still owes me my 350 back." Sam smirked while he winked at Ava. "Are you not over that?" Ava said. Both Sullivan and Nathan were clueless, but they caught up on what they were talking about, of course Ava would take the money.

"Sam Drake-" Before Ava could threaten the giggling man, Sullivan pushed her into the crowd to go and fetch the card.

"Easy peasy." Ava twirled the card between her fingers with a big smirk. "Ok, ok, no need to show off." Nathan said as they all walked towards the door. "You're just jealous you weren't able to get it." She teased him.

Sullivan pulled out ear pieces for them to communicate easily, they all took it and before they left through the door, Ava kissed Sullivan on his temple and left.

"And where is my kiss?" Sam said cheekily. "Mr. Drake is that your way of flirting with me?" Ava raised a brow as she tried to control her smile.

"Should I leave you two to sort things out?" Nathan said from behind them.

"No." Ava said, however even though Sam and Ava said their answer in sync, it was a different response to Nathan. "Yes." Sam said.

"Oh god...this is gonna be a long night." Nathan sighed while he whispered to himself.

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