Chit Chat

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"Honestly, where are they?" Nora checked her watch as Nathan and his brother were late. Ava ignored the girl as she pulled onto her locks as she stared at her beer.

"Why did I agree to this? I hope he doesn't come. Do you think Rafe knows?" Ava squeaked as Nora pressed the bride of her nose.

"Girl, look. I don't think he knows what you've done. His father doesn't even know." Nora sang annoyed. Ava spent half an hour paranoid about the fact if Rafe would take revenge on her or not.

Before Ava could say anything, Nora spoke first. "About time. They're here." She turned around to see Nathan entering from the bar's entrance.

Before she could call out to him, she witnessed the man she stole the money from talking to Nathan. She spat out her water on the floor, making Nora pissed.

"Girl what's wrong with you?!" Without a word, she grabbed her friend's hand and led her to the dirty bathroom that belonged to the bar.

"The guy with Nathan. The 350. I stole his money." She barely could voice out her words as she squeaked. Nora stared blankly at her panicking friend for a moment before she burst out laughing.

"Girl, you got bad juju on you don't you." She began to laugh harder as Ava stared blankly at her friend unimpressed.

"Relax Avy, just return his money." Nora said, recovering from her laughter.

"I spent it." Ava said in full regret.

"Already?! On what?!" Her friend said, trying to hold herself from laughing. "Well we went shopping didn't we?!" Ava whispered harshly.

"Damn girl... You better stop stealin' shit."

"Well, I can't really control it. You can say its a hobby of mine." Ava said with a bright smile on her face while Nora crossed her arms and stared at her blankly.

"You're on your own girl." She said before going out of the bathroom. "What?! No! Help me!" Ava begged.


"C'mon Norty!" She followed her friend out of the bathroom.

"Don't call me that! I hate it. You think calling me that will help me help you?!"

Ava stood awkwardly as Nathan introduced Nora to his brother, Sam. Although, Sam wasn't panicking and he wasn't awkward. He was enjoying the situation.

He eyed the girl in amusement with a playful grin on his face. "Sam, this is Ava." Nathan introduced as he grabbed her hand to shake firmly.

"Pleasure." Sam winked at the girl and released his hand on the girl. But he never took his eyes off her.

After they all discussed their plans together that will involve Rafe, Ava couldn't be under the gaze of Sam anymore. She told the group she'll be leaving for some drinks.

She sat at the bar and ordered a beer as she stared blankly at the peanuts next to her.

"You know sweet cheeks, you're talented at your cat games, but I'd like my 350 back." Sam approached her from the back, his chest touching her back as he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

She jumped slightly, making him grin wildly. "Say the magic word, pretty boy." She took a sip of her beer, acting calmly.

"The magic word? Baby, that is my money." Sam chuckled, still behind her as he glanced around. As he turned his head and breathed in; he breathed in her coconut scent that made his skin tingle in delight.

"Too bad. I spent it." She said without glancing back at him as she crossed her arms.

"Already? It has only been four days since you stole my money." Sam said in a fake surprise tone.

"I-I needed to get some stuff alright?" Ava said shyly as Sam chuckled loudly.

"What? Some lingerie for the boyfriend?" He asked slyly. All he wanted to know if she was single or not.

She stood up, their personal space was no longer as her chest touched his ribs as she looked up at him.

"No." She said coldly before walking away.

From afar Nora, Nathan and Sam watched as Ava got drunk at the bar, having some shot challenge with guys and girls.

"She's so gonna regret that in the morning." Nora said, smacking her palm to her forehead.

"And you're so gonna regret letting her do this." Nathan sang as he smiled sheepishly to Nora. "I know, I know. Sheesh, I just don't know how to bring her home." Nora groaned.

"I'll do it. You two can head back." Sam said quickly not even thinking twice about what he said.

"Are you sure? I mean she can be kinda tricky to deal with when she's drunk." Nora said as she looked at the man in hope as he smoked his cigarette.

"Of course, no problem." Sam said.

"You're not gonna try and get her in bed are you?" Nathan whispered to his brother, doubting his nice offer to take her home as Nora said her goodbyes and left.

"What? No. You head back home too." Sam smacked his brother on the back before leaving him alone to head to Ava.

"Another one!" Ava smacked the glass on the counter as she laughed over her words. Her vision was blurry as the people around her started to cheer on.

"Nope, no another one. Time to get you home." Sam said from behind her. "C'mon get up." Sam pulled her gently by the arm.

Ava's vision were blurry, making her unstable. She leaned into Sam, her head on his chest as she squeezed his shirt collar with her shaky hand.

"Can you walk?" He asked gently as he brushed her hair out of her face to glance down at her.

"Yes." She said while she smile brightly.
"C'mon then lets go." Sam stepped away to see if she could do it or not. Before she could hit the floor, Sam carried her back on her feet.

"Clearly, you can't." He chuckled, lifting her up and carrying her to his motorcycle.

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