Another Day At Panama Prison

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Ava was informed by Rafe that Vargas finally took Nate to get the treasure they were looking for after two weeks of Nate being in infirmary.

Ava, Sam and Nora were anxiously waiting for Nate's arrival. Instead of Sam dealing cigarettes with the inmates, he sat between Nora and Ava on the dirty bleachers.

"You think he's okay?" Nora asked, bewildering Sam of the sudden question. "Of course he is, its Nate we're talking about." Ava answered.

"Its your boyfriend we're talking about here." Ava began to tease Nora. "Oh shut up Avy!" Nora said pushing her slightly into Sam's side.

The three were quiet again, but it was not like Sam ever opened his mouth to talk. "You're awfully quiet." Ava said to Sam as he puffed out his smoke,

"Just thinkin." He replied cooly.

"Alright, I'm headed to the nasty bathrooms, I'll be right back." Sam watched as Ava hopped off the bleacher and walk into the bathroom.

Only then, did he realize one of the inmate suspiciously followed her.

"I'll be right back." Sam said to Nora as he threw his cigarette butt and stepped on it, walking as fast as he could before anything would escalate.

After Ava was done doing her business, she washed her hands and wiped her hands on the tissue disgustingly as she glanced around the moldy bathroom.

It was the worst bathroom she has ever seen; moldy walls and ceiling, brown floor, rusty doors and faucets and literally some shit stain smeared on some of the bathroom stalls.

Before she could leave, one of the inmate entered the bathroom. However, he locked the exit door in front of her.

The inmate had tattoos all over his arm, he had black short stubby hair, hazel eyes and he was rather tall.

"Disculpe." Ava said firmly, asking him to excuse her. The man laughed loudly and clutched his chest lightly.

"Honey, I speak english. I know what you and your friends talk about." Quickly, Ava's heart stopped beating but did her best not to show she was surprised by her facial expressions.

"I know you are a woman." His Spanish accent was thick. "I only want one thing." He smirked evilly and looked her up and down.

At that moment, Ava knew she was in trouble. The inmate acted fast, he launched himself at her and held her on the wall while choking her.

With his other hand, he tried to remove his clothes and hers. But to his surprise, Ava was stronger than he had thought, making it difficult for him to do what he wanted to do.

She kicked him in his gut and face while punching him, but her strength did not match his. He banged her head against the floor a couple of times to wear her down to take advantage.

Sam tried his best to unlock the door with a hairpin without anyone noticing or making a sound. He could hear Ava struggling inside while the man laughed.

He hoped to god that he wasn't too late. He heard some banging coming from the inside and that made him work faster.

"C'mon you som of a bitch!" He whispered to himself and finally, the locked clicked.

He opened he door and got in, locking it behind him. The inmate and Ava looked at him quickly. He witnessed Ava on the floor with her button shirt open. Luckily nothing happened yet as Ava put in a good fight.

Although, he looked at Ava and he could already see some bruising on her face. He quickly cracked his knuckles as the inmate launched himself at him.

He fought the man as if there was no tomorrow, he never stopped or missed a hit. His knuckles became bloody and bruised but not as much as his opponent.

"Fuck you!" The inmate spat at Sam. "So you do speak english, huh?" Sam said while throwing another punch.

"I knew you were watching us, son of a bitch." Again, he threw another punch. He dragged the man by his shirt into one of the stall.

The toilet bowl was filled with remains of other inmates who didn't care to flush. "If you try anything again, I will kill you." Before the man could do anything, he pushed his head down the toilet bowl.

After Sam let him go, he quickly fled into his cell to cry to himself. Luckily, non of the guards noticed, as they were all too busy not caring about the inmates at all.

Sam hurried to Ava that was still on the floor. He lowered himself by her side and lifted her head. "Ow." She squeaked out while wincing.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked holding her head onto his chest while his fingers ran through her hair.

"Thank you." She ignored his question and propped herself up in his lap. Sam knew she was in pain and that he hurt her bad, but currently she wasn't showing it.

She looked up at him with watery eyes, she leaned in to kiss his cheeks. But Sam had other ideas.

To Sam's surprise, when he kissed her on the lips she never fought him or hesitated. She kissed him back passionately.

When they pulled apart for breath, he chuckled and pecked her lips. "I still want my 350."

"You're still not letting that go?" She said with a scoff while a big grin was placed on Sam's lips.


"What happened to you? Avy!" Nora rejoined by her best friend's side. "Nothing, I'll tell you later." Ava whispered to her.

Nathan was finally back with some news of some sort. "What happened to you? You alright?" Nathan asked worried as he took a look at Ava's bruised face and arms.

"I'm fine. So what happened?" Ava asked as Nathan stood beside Sam and Rafe.

"Come on, lets go somewhere private shall we?" Nathan said with a mischievous grin.

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