Shy Away

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As the birds started chirping loudly and Felix's meows grew louder, Ava was forced to wake up. Her eyes took time to adjust to the light that entered her apartment from the open window. Before she could get up, she noticed a heavier and unusual weight on her lap. The thing is, after their dancing situation the other night, the two fell asleep on the sofa. Sam's head was on her lap and her hand was tangled in his hair.

A small smile crept up on Ava's lips, as much as she liked it, she had to get up and put food in Felix's bowl before he threw a tantrum.

Sam woke up to the smell of food, the aroma hitting his nose in one go. As he stretched and groaned, Ava took notice of him. "Good morning." She told him while she flipped the pancake.

"Good morning." Sam stood up to walk to her. "What time is it?" Sam asked as he leaned on Ava. "Its 10:15."

Ava held his hand and lead him to the kitchen table and forced him to sit down. "I made you breakfast." She said as she brushed against the cat's tail.

The girl placed a plate of pancakes in front of the man and sat in front of him, putting some food on her plate and eating.

"What else do you want to do today?" She asked the man while chewing her food. "We can do whatever Cuba offers."

In the afternoon, Nora, Nathan and Ava were reunited once again at their hotel. And by evening, they went to party. Nora and Nathan were dancing together in the dancing area while Ava and Sam were drinking.

The thing is, Ava isn't really a heavy drinker. 2 beer bottles and she was already drunk and it did not go unnoticed by Sam.

"C'mon Sammy, lets dance." She leaped up as she giggled to herself and took a hold of Sam's hands. "D-Dance?"

"Yes, let's dance!" But then as quickly as her cheerfulness came, it was replaced by a frown. "I just remembered that I don't like dancing because I can't dance." She chuckled to herself.

"Come Avy, have a seat." As Sam tried to lead her to her chair that was only an inch away, Ava decided to sit on his lap and wrap her arms around his neck.

His palms became sweaty, his heart rate increased and his body started to warm up. He's never been nervous by a woman before.

"Hi." She told him with a grin. "H-Hi." Sam replied back with a nervous chuckle. "Do you like me?" She asked the man who was growing redder by the minute. 

Sam sighed, contemplating whether he should tell her the truth. "Yes, I do." He answered. She wouldn't remember when she wakes up anyway. "But I think I'm rather in love with you." He continued to spill the beans. 

"Then what are you doing? Why are you holding back from me?" She said with a pout. Before Sam could answer, she interrupted him. "Kiss me, Sam." 

Sam coddled her face that was in his hands, his face was an inch away from hers until he stopped himself. Sam was very tempted to do it, but he'll feel guilty if he did. It was wrong to kiss her when she was drunk. "No." He said, hitting himself a thousand times in his head. 

"You don't love me?" Ava said in a pout. "I do doll- but I can't kiss you when your drunk- you won't remember it. Don't you want to remember it?" Sam said, stroking her hair and tucking one of her strands behind her ear. She remained quiet, blinking several times as she stared at him. "Why don't we get you home? hmm beautiful?" He said. 

Back at Ava's place, Sam tucked her in her bed, he was planning to sleep on her sofa but before he could go, she grabbed his wrist. "Sammy.." She said while her eyes were closed. "Mhm?"

"I...I want you to promise me something?"


"Tomorrow- promise me you'll tell me what we talked about. Do you promise?"

Sam sighed, shutting his eyes tight as he bit the inside of his cheek. "I promise." 

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