The Next Step

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"I missed you." Sam whispered to Ava.

Ava didn't know how to take it, did he mean it as a friend or something more? "What do you mean?" She chuckled slightly.

"Fifteen years in that cell and all I could think about was you. If you were okay or not..." Sam trailed off.

"Do you mean that?" Ava said quietly. All her life Ava didn't think she was worth anything. The thing that Nora hated about Ava was how much she degraded herself.

"Of course." He said while he kissed her temple.

Nathan and Sam watched Ava sit at their booth in the bar. "What took you so long?" Nathan asked.

"Just a bit of trouble. No worries." She sat down and made no eye contact with anyone, instantly Sam knew something was wrong but let it go.

"Alright since you're back from the dead, what's the plan now?" Ava asked removing her leather jacket. "To Italy." Nathan replied simply. "You and Sullivan get there, and Sam and I will meet you two there."

"What about Nora?" Ava asked Nathan. "She... Doesn't know.." Nathan said wincing. "Why don't you tell her?" Sam asked.

"She doesn't have to know, listen she's in Budapest anyway!" Nathan quickly defended himself. "You know Nora will find out sooner or later right?" Ava said with a mischievous grin.


Sam suggested that they all stayed at the bar for awhile and have some fun, but Ava declined the invitation and said she had to go home.

Before Ava could drive off, Sam caught up with her. "Hey, wait a minute." Sam began to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'll see you back at my place alright?" As quickly as her fake smile was on her face, she drove off without hearing an answer from Sam.

Sam found it odd, was it because he intruded her place last night and joined her in her bed? Or was it also because he said that he missed her with the little kiss he gave her on her temple?

All in all, the man was confused. But he meant what he said to the woman. He did miss her. His time in prison, all he could hope for was Ava not finding another man and replacing his place even though the two weren't officially together. At least not yet.

Sam was a playboy even in Nathan's dictionary, he would tell girls he liked them, sleep with them, tell them he missed them and the final step he would never contact them again. But the words he said to Ava last night was true and came from the deepest parts of his heart.

"Whats the matter Sam, is she the one that got away?" Nathan clapped his hand on his brother's shoulder, taking by surprise. Nathan witnessed his brother in deep thought as he was staring at nothing.

But Nathan knew more than that, he knew what was on his brother's mind. "What're you talking about?" Sam played dumb.

"Oh don't play dumb with me Sam, is she your next victim?" Nathan asked in a playful tone. But deep down, Nathan hoped he wasn't going to use the girl, not because Ava was his best friend but he also began to hope that Sam and Ava really did have a future together.

He watched as his brother put a cigarette in his mouth and flicked his lighter and lit up his cigarette. He inhaled deeply and said, "This time I feel like I'm the victim little brother."

Ava walked in her house only to find Sullivan making a sandwich. "I was starting to worry where you were kiddo." He said from the kitchen. "Jesus old man, you scared me." Sullivan watched Ava's movements her tone, and her facial expression.

One thing Sullivan picked up quickly was that no matter how Ava pretended to be okay when she wasn't was her facial expression. She couldn't fake that.

"What's the matter?" Sullivan asked as he spread the peanut butter on his sandwich. "And don't say nothing."

"Well, its...its Rafe, Sully." She sat on the counter beside him and watched him place down the knife and face her.

"What does the rich bastard want from you?" Quickly Sullivan became defensive. "He wanted us to look for Henry's treasures like before. But I said no."

After Sullivan stayed to comfort Ava, he decided it was time for him to go. He was called for another business opportunity.

It was already past midnight, but Ava couldn't sleep so she watched tv while she hugged her pillow. She didn't think Sam was going to spend the night, so she didn't bother putting any pants on. But at that moment she hoped he'd come back, she felt lonely and empty and needed someone there.

A click of the front door snapped her out of her day dreams, she took a look to who it was and it was the person she needed the most at that time.

"Hey." He said with a gentle smile, approaching slowly while brushing his hair with his fingers. "Hey." Ava replied with a small smile too.

"I hope I'm not intruding-" Quickly Sam was cut off by her. "No no! Stay. I mean you can stay, I was hoping you'd come back. Are you hungry?" However, her cheeks went a bright red when she realized she only had her underwear on.

"Wait!" She cut him off before he could speak. "I need you to close your eyes, right now." She demanded.

"Why? Are you gonna surprise me with a gift?" He said with a sheepish grin. "Close your eyes Sam Drake!"

"Alright, alright, alright." He said as he closed his eyes. Quickly Ava went to the bathroom to grab her pants, but Sam took a peek and saw her wearing a black underwear and her pastel blue hoodie. Quickly, a smirk was on his face.

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