Where To?

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"Stupid Rafe! Always in the way!" Ava stomped her feet as she sat down in the plane, arms crossed and wet.

As she continued to pout, Sam Nathan and Sullivan began to discuss something that didn't interest Ava at the moment.

Until, she heard something that came out of Nathan's mouth did she begin to listen. "What? We're going to Madagascar?! That's awesome! I always wanted to see a-- wait, what do you call em? That little monkey, king julian from Madagascar?"

Sam didn't see her this excited before and to him it was adorable. "You mean a Lemur?" Nathan spoke.

"Yes! A lemur." Her smile almost tore her face. "You're such a kid." Sam chuckled.

"What? I'm not! Its a lemur Sam!" She defended as she crossed her arms on her chest.

"Oh you are such a kid!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"



"I said no!"

"Fine then." Sam said. "You're a little baby!"

"Hey! I'm not!"



"Enough!" Both Nathan and Sullivan shouted together. "Both of you are lil' children!" Sullivan said as he sighed loudly.

"Hey!" Sam and Ava said in sync. "At least we aren't old." Ava whispered, making Sam chuckle.

"What did you say?" Sullivan said quickly.

"Nothing nothing!" Ava laughed nervously.

"Avy, wake up." Sam nudged her shoulder gently. On the way to Madagascar, Ava fell asleep on Sam's shoulder. To make her more comfortable (and to make himself happy) he carried her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Shush, another half an hour." She said half asleep.

"She never really wakes up easily." Sullivan said as he carried their bags out of the plane.

"Alright then. I guess I'll have to do it myself." He carried Ava out the plane and into the hotel.

Ava woke up on a comfy bed. The room was small but it was good enough for one person. She figured someone might've carried her in.

In front of her was the bathroom, quickly, she went in for a warm shower.

After she was done showering, she went in her room and saw her bag on the floor. She stripped and wore her panty and bra. The moment she put them on, Sam walked in and quickly he turned his head.

"Wow- you are just...wow." He said in awe. "You can look now I have clothes on."

"Unfortunately, clothes exist." He whispered to himself and looked back at her. "What was that?"

"Nothing. Are you hungry? We can most probably go to the market and get something, see a few lemurs too." Sam witnessed the big smile appear on her face as he mentioned the lemurs.

"Yes! Come, lets go!" She held his hand and pulled him out the door.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Ava said as she was petting the lemur. Sam pulled out his phone and took a picture of her while smirking. "Done."

"Here ya go lil buddy." She gave the lemur an apple that she brought from the market. The lemur grabbed it and made a run for it.

After Ava was done with petting the lemurs, Sam and herself went for a silent walk by each other's side. "You know what." Sam pulled Ava back by her arm gently.

"I can't take it anymore." Sam said, making Ava confused. "What're...you on about...?"

"You are beautiful, stunning and off the chart doll face. Being honest here, which I'm not usually honest with women; I like you a lot, like a 13 year old boy having his first crush. Hell, you make my stomach go crazy. But I don't know if you, so I'm just gonna kiss you, and if you don't like me; you can slap me and we'll forget about it." Sam said nervously.

He quickly leaned in and met her lips with his, to his surprise; she didn't slap him. She continued to deepen the kiss.

Until, he pulled back and looked at her. "So, you like me?" She giggled and slapped his arm playfully. "Shut up and kiss me again idiot."

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