Confessions Under The Stars

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The four decided that it would be pleasant to stay in the community they discovered, for a day. They wasted so much time that it was already night, so, they picked a house where it was fit for all of them.

Nora and Nathan obviously shared a room while Ava kicked Sam out of her room and slept alone. She laid in the fragile and dusty bed in total darkness.

Before Ava could fall asleep, she heard light scratches and it was followed by footsteps. She began to pray that it wasn't a pirate ghost coming to get her. As it got louder, her chest felt tighter- she was slightly trembling in fear.

Then came the moaning which ended in Ava bolting out of her room in search for Sam. "Sam?!" She whispered loudly, hoping not to wake Nathan and Nora but enough for Sam to hear.

"Sam!" She whispered loudly again. "Out here doll." She heard a voice coming from the outside, she hurried to the door and opened it but didn't find Sam.

A hand grabbed her by the waist and pulled her. She wanted to scream but couldn't, she could only yelp like a terrified puppy. "Gotcha." Sam laughed in success of scaring her.

"Oh Sam! You idiot!" She slapped his forearm hard, making him laugh more. "Were you afraid?" He teased.

"N-no." She instantly became defensive and crossed her arms tightly over her chest making Sam chuckle. "You hesitated."

"Whatever. Aren't you supposed to be asleep? What're you doing out here?" She asked him, hoping to change the subject.

"I couldn't sleep." Both of them sat on the ground- Sam watched Ava pulling the grass. "Why? What's wrong?"

"You did kick me out of our supposed to be shared room." He said. "Oh please, don't be such a baby." She replied. "What about you? Why are you still awake?"

"Same reason.." Ava didn't want to admit to Sam about what she's heard, it would have been silly. "C'mere." Sam laid down and pulled her down with her. The two were now laying down on the stubby grass watching the sky filled with bright small stars.

Sam started talking about what he knew about astronomy, in particular, stars. "I don't know how you know this stuff- astronomy was one of my worst subjects." Ava said rolling her eyes at the painful memory- she spent hours and hours studying that class and always ended up failing anyway.

"Well miss, what was an interesting subject to you before?" Sam asked, leaning his body closer to hers as he propped his head up with his hand.

"Well I loved history, english and art. They were the most interesting classes I've had." She witnessed the twinkle in his eyes as she spoke but didn't pay much attention to it.

"English is boring!" Sam said and then the two began to argue whether English was boring or not.

After the two laughed at their childish argument, Sam was entranced by her, he couldn't stop looking at plump, rosy lips. As he leaned in to kiss her- his hand on her cheek, she stopped him.

"Sam- I like you really, but I know how you are with women. You take what you want and then you leave, I don't want to be one of your victims."

Sam felt a little bit hurt because of her words- he thought what he said to her back in Madagascar was enough for her to believe that he, indeed, the known playboy, actually is head over heels for this woman.

"But its not like that with you Avy." He confessed, "I don't want to use you. You're magnificent and I want to wake up beside you every morning. The women I've been with- after a while they become nuisances. But for you, I know that'll never happen." He didn't care at this point that his words will scare her off.

"So please, don't think of yourself as a toy, don't think of me like that. Lets be together and you'll see." Amazed and out of words, Ava nodded her head.

"Good." Sam leaned in again and kissed the girl softly on her lips as his hands traveled to her waist.

Nora's eyes fluttered open by the bright light that interrupted her sleep. She turned in her spot only to witness a sleeping Nathan.

A smile crept up her lips at the memories that happened the night before, she only hoped that no one heard them- the house's walls were rather thin.

Nathan's eyes opened slowly, only to meet Nora's. quickly, a big smile was on his face, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "Good morning princess."

"Good morning." She pecked his lips. "Id like to stay like this for a long time but unfortunately, we have to get going." Nora said lifting her self off the bed.

Nathan groaned loudly and followed Nora. "Alright just lemme freshen up.

As the two went out the house, they witnessed Sam and Ava sleeping on the grass, spooning. "I knew it." Nora smiled brightly, happy that they finally came to their senses and admitted their feelings.

"How did they not wake up? Its so bright out here." Nathan said scratching his head.

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