Chapter 5

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"Wake up,"

Blizzard stirred from her slumber. An unfamiliar voice rang in her ear until she heard a more familiar voice in her other ear.

"Wake up, Blizzard! Ice Master Wildflower is here!" Cloud's voice shouted.

Blizzard shot up from her position with a roar. She had fallen asleep while reading her scroll apparently. Blizzard glared at the little SkyWing with raging red eyes. She then turned to see Sandstorm standing next to another unfamiliar dragon.

This dragon looked like a mix of a RainWing and a SkyWing. He had the curling horns, wings, and bulk of a SkyWing, but the tail, head, and frills of a RainWing. He was a bright red with a white underbelly. His eyes were a striking blue. The webs of his wings were changing color. He had the Ice Master symbol on his chest.

"Ah, good morning, Blizzard," Wildflower greeted. He held out a talon to shake, and Blizzard hesitantly took it.

"Greetings. You must be Wildflower, yes?" Blizzard asked.

"You are correct!" Wildflower said, clapping his talons together with a wide smile. His wings went from blue to vibrant pink. "Ah, I've never taught an iceborn, before! This'll be a thrilling experience!"

"Thrilling..." Blizzard raised a brow. This doofus was to teach her?

"Alright then, so I brought breakfast!" Wildflower cheered. He reached behind him and brought a box forward. Inside was penguin meat. Blizzard's mouth watered. Penguin was her favorite.

"Alright, open up!" Wildflower said, taking a chunk and waving it in Blizzard's face.

"I can eat on my own," Blizzard snapped.

"Ah, but frostbitten meat doesn't provide you with enough nutrients!" Wildflower stated. "Don't worry, one of the first things I'll do is teach you how to control your frostscales, so you can eat normally,"

Blizzard glared, but let Wildflower feed her. Fresh penguin tasted a lot better than frostbitten penguin. Blizzard guessed that all food will taste better fresh and raw. After the long and embarrassing process of breakfast, Wildflower started to lead Blizzard out.

"Alright then! Let us embark in a journey to Polar Academy!" Wildflower exclaimed, wrapping a wing around Blizzard and leading her out of her dorm. Sandstorm and Cloud followed.

"We'll be in the city if you need us, alright?" Sandstorm said.

"Most likely near Pyro Academy," Cloud said. "I hate how cold it is here,"

"Well, it's near Polar Academy," Blizzard pointed out. "What else would you expect?"

Outside, the city was bustling with activity. Students were racing to class. Sandstorm and Cloud, after giving Blizzard two sudden and awkward hugs, flew off into the city.

"Shall we?" Wildflower grinned, pointing a wing towards the Academy. Blizzard followed closely behind.

The campus was surrounded by large ice walls. In the center was the main building, which resembled Queen Hoarfrost's Palace so much that blizzard wondered if the Magisallian dragons made Polar Academy in the IceWing Palace's likeness. 'Or maybe the other way around?' Blizzard wondered. Smaller buildings dotted the large courtyard. Blizzard guessed they were classrooms. Gardens of evergreens and other tundra dwelling plant life were present.

Blizzard noticed with a pang of nervousness that there were no IceWings, not even a hybrid.

"Where is our classroom?" Blizzard asked.

"Oh, we get our own private room near the top floor of the Main Campus," Wildflower said, pointing upwards. "Before we go there, I want to show you the library, the cafeteria, the Flight Course, then our room. After that, I'll show you the Fury Courtyard!"

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