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The ruins of the Neutral Territory was a sight to behold. Every single building was demolished. The entire city was nothing more than a pile of rubble. Fires were still burning, even days after the actual battle.

A SkyWing was watching over the destruction.

She was perched on a tall pillar made of stone, covered in thick vines made of tree bark. Her face was heavily scarred, as she had clawed her own face to shreds while she sat in that dreaded birdcage. Her dark, ash colored horns were cracked, and one was broken in half. Her scales were a dulled dark red. Her dull orange eyes had deep dark bags under them, and she looked thin and ready to die at that very moment.

"You are early," came a voice, making the SkyWing jump in fright and fall off her pillar. She tumbled into the churned up ground, scrambling to her feet to stare up at the dragon who flew down to perch herself on the pillar the SkyWing sat on a moment ago.

It was the CloudWing who shared the birdcage chain with the SkyWing back in the Dark Territory. The two had conversed and stayed relatively close, even after the Dark Revolt had freed them. The CloudWing was a pale and light purple with dark grey, nearly black, stripes, spines, and chin fur. Her bright yellow eyes glared down at the SkyWing with a purpose.

"T-To the moons, Downpour!" the SkyWing cried. "D-Don't sneak up o-on me like that!"

"Calm your wings, Summit," Downpour snarled. "To the MoonWings, you're as skittish as my kind,"

"S-So... What is it that you want?" Summit asked, tucking her wings into her body tightly.

"Can you BELIEVE the IceWing ACTUALLY killed him?" Downpour began screeching, her voice echoing off the fallen walls of the city. "I almost had them! Then the oh so special hero decided to put Magisalla before kin. Ha! You'd never expect that much from an IceWing,"

"With how they are today, I'm not surpised," Summit commented. "My past mate said that in the past-"

"Oh, he had to die before my great entrance!" Downpour stomped her talon as she continued on like Summit hadn't even spoken. The SkyWing licked her lips and huffed out a spout of flame in annoyance, but let Downpour continue. "Everyone was free from that tonic just as I was entering the Cloud Kingdom. I would've had what is rightfully mine, had it not been for that blasted IceWing!"

"With the Dark Revolt gone, Magisalla will rebuild," Summit pointed out, seeing an opening for her words. "They didn't even take the Cloud Kingdom for long,"

"Useless idiots," Downpour snapped. "What was he thinking, going with the group? He got himself killed before any of our plans were fulfilled,"

"I'm not sure I can go on like this," Summit said, turning to start pacing back and forth. "My mate is dead because of Permafrost. My son is lost. I'm wanted to a crime I never committed. It wasn't even my job to begin with!"

"So, neither of us have anywhere to go," Downpour snarled to the air. A small bird flew past and the CloudWing snapped her tail towards it, slicing it in half mid-air.

"Nor do the rest of the escaped fugitives," Summit pointed out. "Most of them are probably in hiding right now. We're no different,"

"That is where you are wrong, Summit," Downpour said, jumping down from her perch and approaching the SkyWing. Summit squeaked and began backing up, growling fearfully at the CloudWing.

"We are different from them," Downpour smirked, her eyes sparkling evilly. "We have contacts, do we not?"

"The last time I was in contact with the camp in Pyrrhia was years before I was imprisoned," Summit whimpered. "They probably think I'm either dead, or they gave up on their mission and dispersed,"

"Well, find out. I may help you with what you want," Downpour purred, finally backing Summit into a pile of rubble. The CloudWing grabbed Summit's head with a talon and held it up, running her other talon up and down Summit's neck.

"You want your son back, yes?" Downpour cooed, sounding worried in a sickeningly fake way.

"More than anything," Summit sobbed, tears falling out of her eyes and onto the dust ground. "I adopted him as my own. He's all I have left..."

"Then let's work together," Downpour offered. "You have the connections I need. And I know where your son is,"

"Really?!" Summit cried, leaping up from her cowering crouch to clutch Downpour's talons tightly. Her eyes bore into Downpour's own with a crazed gleam. "Where, where?"

"He's being held captive," Downpour said in a sad and disappointed tone. "I can show you where he is if you agree to help me,"

"Please, anything to get my son back," Summit cried. "Anything!"

"Good," Downpour grinned, showing sharpened teeth. "Help me get my rightful throne as queen of the CloudWings, and I'll help you get your son back,"

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