Chapter 15

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Permafrost had grown a lot since Blizzard last saw him, many years ago. Permafrost peeled off his cloak to show his entire body. He was skinny, painfully so. His stubby wings had not grown much, and were only as big as his head. His red eyes shined brightly, like Blizzard's own.

He bore an Ice Master Mark, as well as a Plague Master Mark.

"Permafrost... Permafrost? You... You're alive?" Blizzard whispered, reaching out with her talons. Permafrost reached forward and grabbed Blizzard's talons with his own.

"Yes, sister. I'm alive. Did you think I would die that easily?" Permafrost grinned, looking satisfied with Blizzard's reaction.

"How? How did you survive? I was sure that the IceWings-"

"A Magisallian saved me," Permafrost answered. "An Ice Master who also mastered the Light Element. She made himself look like an IceWing with illusion magik. She was planning to take us to Magisalla when she could get us alone,"

Permafrost released Blizzard's talons and put his cloak back on. He then walked towards a balcony, gesturing for Blizzard to follow. Blizzard followed slowly, her mind numbing at the mere thought and knowledge that her brother was alive. Permafrost gazed at the Dark Revolt camp, which was constantly moving with dragons.

"Why didn't you come and find me?" Blizzard asked.

"I did not know you had joined Magisalla as well," Permafrost explained. "When I found out about an iceborn IceWing joining Magisalla, I wanted to race to the Neutral Territory. But I couldn't"

"Why couldn't you? Was it because you couldn't fly?" Blizzard asked.

"No. The dragon who brought me to Magisalla was a cult member. She was a part of the Dark Revolt Cult, which was a group of dragon that wanted to purge the world of Elemental Magic, because they thought it was damaging the world," Permafrost explained. "I didn't like that. As I learned of Elemental Magiks, I grew to love it. I was able to turn his entire cult against her, so that she knew how wrong she was,"

"Why didn't you visit then?"

"The process of becoming the leader of a cult took until you moved to the Ice Territory," Permafrost answered. "I decided to use the power of the role I had earned to my advantage. With the help of two Masters within the cult, I was able to become a Double Marker by the time you were halfway done with your studies,"

"Why would you do that?" Blizzard asked, sounding worried. "Trying to do that eats at your sanity! I know you learn quickly, but that's extreme!"

"Well, I'm still sane now," Permafrost pointed out. "I finished my Ice Master training not long before you did. When I got word from one of our spies that you were about to get your Master Mark, I raced to the Ice Territory to see it,"

'Why did you kill Grand Alto then if you just wanted to see me get my Master Mark?" Blizzard questioned.

"Oh that part. I forgot to mention that I have a big plan for us," Permafrost grinned again, making Blizzard uncomfortable with how wicked it looked. "I thought to myself as I learned about the powers that Magisalla offers; I could use these powers,"

Permafrost had started gesturing with his talons as he spoke. "If I could gather and army under my command, I could right all the wrong done to us! So when I took the Dark Revolt under my stubby wings, I saw the future ahead of me!"

He turned to Blizzard with a gleeful smile. "We could use the powers of Magisalla to invade the IceWings, and make them pay for what they did to us!"

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