Chapter 7

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Blizzard woke up in her bed, the soft snow easing Blizzard's aching joints. She had a massive headache, and she felt like she hasn't eaten in days.

The room was empty, which was surprising. Blizzard expected Sandstorm and Cloud to be there, watching over her to make sure she didn't roll off her bed. But she was the only dragon present.

Slowly, the IceWing lifted herself out of her bed, shook off the snow, and started to walk around. There was a crunch, like crumbling paper, below Blizzard's talons. She looked down to see a note.

Dear Blizzard,

Congratulations on passing your Fury Assessment! You have proven yourself worthy enough to come and train with me, Grand Alto. When you read this, me and your friends are probably within the headmaster's office, scheduling your graduation date. Please come meet us by the gates of Polar Academy when you can.

Grand Ice Master Alto

A wave of euphoria and pride swelled within Blizzard's gut. She passed!

Blizzard set the note down and stretched, yawning and popping her bones back into place. She stretched her wings and looked down at Polar Academy from her window. The dragons she was to meet were not at the gates yet, so Blizzard could only guess that they were still scheduling.

She opened the window and flew out, heading straight for the gates and waiting there patiently. Dragons who passed Blizzard all gave the IceWing cheerful congrats on her passing, wishing her luck in the Ice Territory. Blizzard noted that the day was quite hot.

Soon, five dragons landed near Blizzard. Grand Alto looked pleased, while Wildflower, Cloud, and Beach looked like they were going to burst out of their scales in happiness. Sandstorm looked as proud as proud can be.

"Blizzard," Alto started. "Congrats. You deserve the role and title you will be given,"

"Thank you, Grand Alto," Blizzard said. "So, when is my graduation?"

"Two days, counting today," Sandstorm answered. "You'll be leaving on the same day,"

"So soon?" Blizzard asked. "Will I have enough time to say goodbye?"

"Of course! You can spend all day today in the city," Alto said. "In fact, I highly suggest it. Go out and have some fun while you can,"

"I'll be honest," Wildflower said. "You won't get many opportunities to take a break until you get your Master Mark, which can take years to obtain,"

"Mine only took one year!" Cloud said proudly.

"We know. You've only said that like a million times," Blizzard said, tapping Cloud's snout with a claw.

"So, how about a day on the town?" Sandstorm said. "Today is all about you, Blizzard,"

"Sadly, me and Wildflower have to pack up," Beach started. "Since my graduation, I've been dying to move in with you!" She then hugged Wildflower with her wings.

"The feeling is mutual," Wildflower said, returning the hug. "We will stay for your graduation, though," he added. "I don't want to miss it!"

"So go out and have fun while you can," Alto said, waving Blizzard, Sandstorm, and Cloud towards the city streets. "See you again in two days,"

"See ya!" Cloud called, bouncing on his talons as the three started to walk down the streets.

"Where to first, Blizzard?" Sandstorm asked.

"I heard from a few other graduates that there's a party going on at the Crystalline Ballroom!" Cloud said. "We could go there!"

"In that crowded of a place? No thank you," Blizzard said.

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