Chapter 19

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"Wake up wake up WAKE UP!"

Blizzard was woken by a dragon crashing into her, knocking her off her frost covered rock and into the muddy swamp below. At first, she thought she was being attacked. That is, until she found the dragon hugging her tightly.

"Blizzard slept in! Comet wants to leave now!" Comet exclaimed, leaping off of Blizzard and dancing in the marsh. Blizzard groaned and rolled over, freezing a clump of reeds next to her.

The IceWing heaved herself to her feet and looked up to see Comet skipping in a nearby stream. Sandstorm and Cloud were to her right, covered in mud and groaning how Comet woke them up. Blizzard turned and glared at the CloudWing, who caught Blizzard;s stare and froze in the spot.

"Uh oh. Blizzard looks angry," Comet said. He turned to Sandstorm and Cloud. "So does Sandstorm and Cloud. Did Comet do a bad?"

"Yes," Blizzard growled, shaking the now frozen mud off her scales. "You could've woken us up in a better way,"

"A shake of the shoulder?" Sandstorm offered, wiping the grime off his wings. "A loud shout to the ear? Anything but throwing us into the mud,"

"I'm gonna be picking worms out of my scales for days now!" Cloud complained. "You're gonna pay for that!" he added to a now cowering Comet.

Comet covered his head with his wings and whimpered. "Don't hurt Comet! Comet is VERY sorry! Comet will make it up to you!"

"How, per say?" Blizzard snarled, picking a frozen worm out from between her claws.

"Comet will do anything!" Comet exclaimed, jumping up and looking desperate. "Name it!"

"Just... Don't do it again," Sandstorm grumbled. "Move out of that stream so that we can wash up,"

"Yessir!" Comet squeaked, wading out of the stream for Cloud and Sandstorm to take his place. After they were done washing their scales the best they could, Blizzard waded in and started to scrub her scales relentlessly to get the frozen mud off.

"Be careful!" Comet said. "Don't rub too hard, or Blizzard might rub her scales raw!"

"I'm careful," Blizzard said, scratching her claws over her tail. "I've been dirtied up before when I was in Polar Academy,"

"Comet is just worrying," Comet added.

Soon, with scales now clean and a little sore, Blizzard waded out of the now very cold stream. Comet then gulped. "Is Comet forgiven?"

"You have to get us breakfast!" Cloud announced, making the other three jump.

"Okay!" Comet turned and bounded off into the tell grass before anyone could protest. Blizzard turned to Cloud with an expression that said Really?. Cloud shrugged. "He said he'd do anything!"

"Yeah, but we need to get moving," Blizzard pointed out. "He can't lead us to the Cloud Kingdom if he's out in the MudWing swamps looking for frogs,"

"COMET HEARD THAT!" Comet's voice sounded a little ways away, then splashing through the swamps he came with two dead cranes, held by the neck. "Comet has SUPER DRAGON HEARING YOU KNOW!"

"Apparently," Sandstorm mumbled, looking impressed.

Comet tossed one crane to Sandstorm and Cloud for them to share, then bounded to Blizzard with the other.

"What parts does Blizzard want?" Comet asked, digging his claws into the crane so he could begin ripping it into smaller chunks.

"I guess the legs would be good," Blizzard said, reaching for her desired part. But Comet snatched the crane away from her grasp with a pout. "No! Comet doesn't want Blizzard to become nutrient deficient! Comet will feed you! Like how Sandstorm did!"

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