Chapter 22

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"Is everyone finished?" Jetstream called.

The table was now void of food, as the team had eaten until their stomachs could take no more. Supercell seemed to regret this decision, as her eyes were drooping and she was rubbing her stomach mourningly.

Comet was still as hyper as ever, as he was now flying laps around the Royal Feast Plaza. Sandstorm and Cloud were sighing in content and slowly standing up while nodding. Blizzard was still on the edge of the platform, watching the crowd disperse across the entire island.

"It seems that everyone is! So, are you ready to take a tour of the island?" Jetstream asked.

"You bet!" Cloud exclaimed. "Where to, first?"

"Well, I have to go to my chambers to see what Cumulus is up to," Jetstream said, adjusting a sleeve on his leather armor. "She missed a feast, which even she doesn't do! I just wanna make sure she hasn't done anything... drastic,"

"Go, father," Supercell said. "She is of great importance to you,"

"Yeah!" Comet called from his orbit. "Go and talk some sense into mom!"

"I'll do so," Jetstream smiled. "My children will guide you around,"

The CloudWing king spread his giant wings and lifted off, then flew towards the palace. Comet landed next to Blizard, grabbing the IceWing's arm and pulling her along. "Come ON!" he exclaimed. "We're gonna show you the palace first!"

"After the tour of the palace, which will take up to noon, we will begin our tour of the Royal Island," Supercell stated, standing up and spreading her wing. "We will begin from the bottom and work our way up,"

"Sounds good to me!" Sandstorm chimed.

The group lifted off with Supercell leading. Comet flew next to Blizzard, with Sandstorm and Cloud tailing after them. They approached the palace for their tour.

The palace was octagonal in shape, with multiple levels. The very bottom level was open, with a giant spiral staircase that led down into the mountain, which was where the guest chambers, royal chambers, and treasury were located. The first level above the staircase level was filled with armored dragons and armor stands and weapon racks. The wall bore the banner of the Cloud Kingdom, which was a picture of the Moon of Freedom in MoonWing form sitting down, looking up, and reaching to the sky with a talon. The actual moon itself was behind her.

"These are the barracks," Supercell said as they landed.

"To be more specific, the Palace Guard barracks!" Comet exclaimed. "It's here where the dragons tasked with guarding the palace come to rest their weapons and armor when they're called off duty,"

As they entered, Blizzard noticed how the armor was strangely reflective, as if it were made of glass. The middle of the room had a thick pillar present. This pillar had rings of shelves surrounding it. On these shelves were small figurine statues of different dragons.

"This is the Pillar of Heroes!" Comet exclaimed. He picked up a statue and shoved it in Blizzard's face. It was a buff looking CloudWing male with a name inscribed on its base. "When a dragon does a REALLY awesome deed, they get a statue here that has their achievement on the bottom of their base!"

"I am planning of having your three getting a statue each," Supercell said as she examined the shelves. "You three brought Comet home. That alone is deserving of a remembrance statuette,"

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