Chapter 30

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The darkest of darkness was all Blizzard could see. Somehow, she wondered if she was actually seeing anything, and if floating in a black abyss for all of eternity was going to be her punishment for allowing her brother to become the way he did.

The iceborn couldn't move, as was expected. She did die, after all. Her entire body was numb from her snout to her tail spines. But then, it all rushed back.

In the darkness came a point of light that shone brighter and brighter until it engulfed Blizzard's vision. A high pitched ringing pounded her ears, then faded as the light began to become bearable.

She was laying on a cold stone floor.

Blizzard's eyes cracked open to see a smooth white floor that seemed to be made of opal. She slowly shifted her head to the side to look around in confusion. Was she wrong? Had the MoonWings given her mercy and allowed into Paradisum?

Her vision, at first blurry, began to clear as her senses began to work once more. There was a table nearby with crystal legs and a marble surface. On one wall, there were shelves made of ruby or garnet.

Blizzard rolled onto her back, unsure how to take in her surroundings. The ceiling was black with glittering white diamonds for stars. White lines painted different constellations into the makeshift sky.

A face was looking down at her.

An almost impossibly beautiful face with pearly white scales and eyes as black a SandWing's, but with glittering dots within them as if the dragon held the night sky in her eyes. It almost looked like a mix of a RainWing and a CloudWing, and was no bigger than Blizzard herself.

"Ah, you have awoken," the pearly dragon said, her voice as smooth as a calm stream.

Blizzard squinted her eyes, unsure of what she was looking at. She rolled back onto her stomach and shakily pushed herself into a standing position, examining the dragon before her in deeper detail.

All of her scales were a pearly, iridescent white. Along with the slender, snake-like body of the CloudWings, the dragon sported the chin fur, wings, and cheek protrusions of the CloudWing species. There were frills on the side of her head, long claws, curled tail, and short spines of the RainWings. Her wings, looking to be of CloudWing design, were as black as night with constellations mapped with stars.

"W-Where...?" Blizzard rasped, her voice feeling weird, as if she hadn't used it in years.

"You need not feel fear," the pearly dragon cooed like a mother to her dragonet. "You are safe,"

Blizzard blinked a few times before looking around once more. The decorations within the room were all mode of gemstones and crystals, varying from citrines to amethysts to diamonds. There was a window on one side, looking out into what seemed to be the night sky. But a strange light seemed to be shining from below.

"Where am I?" Blizzard coughed, her throat feeling dry as dry as the Fear Territory. "And who are you? Didn't I die?"

"Have some water, Blizzard. Your voice will thank you," the pearly dragon approached the marble table and waved a talon. From thin air, a chalice full of the clearest water Blizzard had ever seen emerged. The pearly dragons grabbed the chalice and held it out to Blizzard, who looked up at the dragon the back down at the chalice in shock. She decided not to ask questions, as she was supposed to be dead anyways.

Blizzard took the water and gulped it down eagerly. She exhaled in relief, feeling the cool water slide down her throat.

"Now answer my questions," Blizzard said once she had wet her whistle.

Wing of Fire - The Iceborn (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now