Chapter 10

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"Ice Master Blizzard, are you enjoying the party?" Alto asked.

Blizzard looked up from the conversation she was having with a mother and her young son, who was looking for tips on how to become an Ice Master. She nodded. "Yes, yes I am," she said.

"That is good. I will be heading up to the library if you need me," Alto said. "I need a bit of a break from this crowd,"

"I would join you, Grand Alto," Blizzard said. "However, I cannot leave with this crowd being how it is,"

Alto nodded, then turned and walked towards the large stair case that led to the upper floors. Blizzard turned back, to the mother and son, who excused themselves when their names were called.

The party was formal, filled with Ice Masters and their apprentices. Dragons dressed to resemble the element they live for were everywhere, and Blizzard couldn't help but crack a small smile at the thought 'They are all here for me,'

The Ice Council was present as well. The Ice Council consisted of the following eight dragons;

Sunset the SandWing, Duck the MudWing and RainWing Hybrid, Aqua the SeaWing and RainWing Hybrid, Mountain the SkyWing with SandWing heritage, Kiwi the RainWing, Narwhal the SeaWing with SandWing heritage, Hurricane the CloudWing, and Stargazer the NightWing.

Six of eight of those dragons disliked Blizzard, since she was a runaway. Kiwi and Stargazer, however, befriended Blizzard. Kiwi was happy go lucky, and couldn't insult someone if she tried. Her personality always made a dragons' day better.

Stargazer was also nice. He was sympathetic and gave Blizzard advice on how to deal with the rest of the council and their ridicule. In fact, Stargazer seemed to have taken a fancy to Blizzard, as the IceWing had noticed.

Speaking of the NightWing, Blizzard saw the pitch black scales of Stargazer slowly making his way towards her. Blizzard twirled the chalice in her talons, a simple red juice swirling around before Blizzard took a sip.

"Blizzard?" Stargazer greeted. He had pitch black scales and a dark purple underbelly. The silver scales on his wings were in a swirling, whirlpool pattern. He had shy black eyes.

Blizzard turned and nodded in greeting. "Stargazer. Glad you could come,"

"It's an honor!" Stargazer said, settling himself down next to Blizzard. "I wouldn't miss your Master Mark Ceremony for anything,"

"I'm flattered," Blizzard said in a flat voice.

Stargazer shifted himself from one side to another, clearly nervous. He was also holding a chalice in his talons. He shifted a little closer to Blizzard, trying to be discreet.

"Personal space," Blizzard said before taking a sip.

"O-Oh! Sorry," Stargazer said shifting away. "A-Anyway... How does it feel? To be an Ice Master now?"

"My old life is behind me," Blizzard said, a little loudly so that the other council members would hear. "I am no longer the runaway I once was. I am now Ice Master Blizzard the IceWing. I am proud to be a Magisallian Student,"

Stargazer smiled widely, and Blizzard saw Kiwi bounding towards her from the other six council members. Blizzard set her Chalice down and willed ice to freeze her drink, so that nothing would spill. As predicted, Kiwi rammed into Blizzard, wrapping her arms and wings around the IceWing.

"You. Are. Awesome!" Kiwi exclaimed. "Oh, I wish I was as cool as you! To be able to change yourself like that is amazing!"

"Dragons don't change," Blizzard said. "They only accept who they are, and work to make other dragons see who they are on the inside, rather then let dragons judge them based on their past,"

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