Chapter 2

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Sandstorm told Blizzard to follow him, and the IceWing did just that. The SandWing led Blizzard and Cloud out of Possibility and to the south west.

They flew over the endless desert, only to come up to another city. Along the way, Blizzard had asked Sandstorm where he was taking her, and he refused to answer straight. He just said "You'll see,"

And now, Blizzard saw that they were coming up to the Scorpion Den.

The Scorpion Den was no longer the claustrophobic town that it used to be. It had grown considerably, especially since the discovery of a fresh spring under the city streets. The town soon grew into a city, which then became the second biggest city in Pyrrhia.

But it was still no less crowded. What good could come from that?

But Sandstorm veered just outside the city, where it's walls were just in sight. They landed on a large outcropping of rock, which was baking in the heat of the mid-day sun. All frost that would've spread from Blizzard's scales was absent, and it was weird.

"Okay. Cloud? You go get supplies for the trip. Remember the vendor?" Sandstorm asked the young SkyWing.

"The vendor is Water Master Dustdevil!" Cloud said.

"What do you say to him that doesn't arouse suspicion?" Sandstorm sounded like he was reciting a chant.

"Enough for three, to the South-West," Cloud recited.

"And if you get stabbed by a SandWing tail?"

"Burn the wound!"

"That's my boy. Now go!" Sandstorm waved the SkyWing off towards the city, leaving himself with Blizzard.

"Now that he's gone. Will you now tell me where it is you are taking me?" Blizzard asked.

Sandstorm looked over his shoulders and wings, in every direction, as if he were checking for any other eavesdropping dragons. He then turned to Blizzard, and placed a talon on her chest.

Frost didn't spread to his claws, and when he retracted his arm, no frostbitten marks were left. "Hm. You are very cold to the touch, even though we've been in this heat for hours," he stated.

"Answer. My. Question," Blizzard said slowly, getting really impatient.

"Listen closely, IceWing," Sandstorm said. "I'm going to tell you something that no other dragon knows. Not even the queens,"

"Tell me! If it gets rid of my frostscales, then I'll listen!" Blizzard nearly roared.

"There is another land, due south west, called Magisalla," Sandstorm said. "There, you can learn powerful magic. Magic over the elements. Ice being one of them,"

"Elements? Magic? What is it, a place where animuses are born every second?" Blizzard snapped. This dragon was talking nonsense. Magic over the elements?

"It's true!" Sandstorm protested. "I'm a Fire Master! See my Master Mark?" he pointed to the red marking on his forehead, but that didn't seem like enough proof to Blizzard. And Sandstorm noticed that.

He sighed. "I can't do anything too flashy. I can't let the City see and come out to investigate. So here, watch my talons,"

Sandstorm held out his claws, spreading them out. Blizzard watched with no patience in her eyes, but that then turned to shock at the next sight. Fire started to dance along Sandstorms talons, engulfing his arms, running up to his wings, then slithered up his neck like a snake and disappeared around his horns.

"How- What- That was-" Blizzard found it hard to speak.

"Like I said. Elemental magic. And I'm bringing you there to help you with your frostscales," Sandstorm explained, glancing back at the city. Cloud wasn't back yet.

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