Chapter 12

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The next day, Blizzard expected to be out on the field, investigating the case. What she got was quite the opposite. Stargazer had called for her in his tower after she ate breakfast. Blizzard was currently flying towards the NightWings' tower, curious as to what he wanted.

'He probably wants to try and convince me to run,' Blizzard thought bitterly.

Stargazer was waiting on a balcony neat the top of the tower. He was resting his head in his arms, which were propped up on the railing. When he caught sight of the IceWing making his way towards him, he waved.

"Stargazer," Blizzard greeted when she landed. "What is it? Is it something important?"

"Oh, um. Not really. Well, not to you, probably, but it is to me. I think you need it, but you know..." Stargazer stuttered.

"What is it?" Blizzard pushed, furrowing her brow.

"Why don't you and I spend the day together?" Stargazer blurted out suddenly, making Blizzard jump. "I know you want to join the investigation and all, but think about it. You're already a culprit. If you go out and try and question dragons, it might make matters worse for you,"

"How would that make it worse?" Blizzard asked. "Won't trying to solve the case make me look innocent?"

"Not all the time," Stargazer pointed out. "Look, I just want you to have an alibi for today, in case something else happens. All my servants will be able to say Yes, she was with Stargazer the entire day today.,"

"Is your instincts saying something?" Blizzard asked.

"A bit," Stargazer answered. "They're telling me to keep you close today, cause if I don't, you'll be in bigger trouble than you are now,"

"How much trouble?"

"Like... Blizzard will die today trouble,"

"Fine," Blizzard mumbled. As much as she wanted to join the investigation, she knew to trust Stargazer's instincts. They were never wrong before. "What do you want to do?"

"I could show you my Sculpting Room!" Stargazer piped, looking a lot happier. "You know how much I love ice sculpting,"

"Alright then," Blizzard followed Stargazer into the tower. The first room they entered from the balcony was Stargazer's room. It was full of shining, decorated ice sculptures. Blizzard noticed that a couple of them were of herself. Even the bed was made of a carved out ice chunk, with snow as it's cushions.

"May I ask why you took me as an inspiration?" Blizzard asked, wanting to see if Stargazer would have the courage to say the truth.

"O-Oh! Um... You know, since you look a little different from a normal IceWing and all, I just wanted to try your sort of design out, you know?" Stargazer stammered, not making eye contact with Blizzard by turning his head to look out the window.

"I see," Blizzard murmured, amused at Stargazer's reaction.

Stargazer coughed awkwardly into his elbow before he led Blizzard out of his room. He took Blizzard downstairs, into a room where large chunks of ice were propped onto shelves. Some were squares, others were rectangles. Tools scattered a large center table that had a partially carved ice chunk. It currently shown the head of Stargazer, with his wings spread and a gleeful expression on his face. His tail was halfway done, and he looked like his arms were reaching out.

"Here, let me get that off the table," Stargazer lifted the large chunk easily, setting it on a nearby shelf. He took two more slabs of ice and placed them on the table.

"You wanna try and make one?" Stargazer offered. "Just to pass the time,"

"Sure," Blizzard said. She already knew what she wanted to try and make. She sat down and took her chisel and started to carve. Stargazer was also carving. but he was working much faster than Blizzard was.

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