Chapter 6

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<> <> <>Two months later<> <> <>

Two months later, and Blizzard was already used to Magisalla.

Blizzard had learned a lot in the two months she spent there. Now, Blizzard can control her frostscales. When the day came to where she could do that, she broke into a weirdly happier demeanor for the rest of the day. Her curse could now be controlled. She could create minor ice crystals from thin air, breath a frost breath stronger than a normal IceWings', and she could even enchant things to be ice-proof.

Wildflower and Beach became close to Blizzard. Wildflower was a great teacher, taking it slow and letting Blizzard set the pace. Beach helped Blizzard study for her written tests. She became a sort of sister to Blizzard, with Wildflower growing to be a brother.

Sandstorm and Cloud became like family, closer than Wildflower and Beach. Sandstorm was the father figure that Blizzard never had. His supportive and carefree personality made him a role model in Blizzard's eyes. Cloud became a sort of annoying little brother that was always trying to show off to Blizzard. Cloud said that he now admires Blizzard as his top role model (Apparently replacing Sandstorm, to the SandWings' displeasure).

"Blizzard! You got those scrolls we need to return?" Sandstorm called from across the room.

"Yes, I have them," Blizzard said, grabbing said scrolls and stuffing them into her bag. Today was the day of her Ice Fury Assessment. If she passed it, she would take the next step into the Ice Territory, where she would learn from Grand Alto.

Blizzard also learned that, because she was iceborn, her energy core (the place where elemental energies are kept, usually located in the abdomen area) was a conflux of ice energy. When Blizzard questioned as to what that meant, she received the answer of that it meant her core produced energy twice as fast as a regular energy core. This meant that Blizzard could draw the energy she needed for her elemental attacks more frequently than others.

"Come ON!" Cloud exclaimed, jumping onto Blizzard's back. "We don't want to be late for your assessment!"

"There is no set time," Blizzard stated. "It just has to be today,"

"Let her take her time, Cloud," Sandstorm said. "It's a big day today,"

"I know," Cloud whined. "I just wanna see! It'll be sooooo cool!"

"Let's go then," Blizzard sighed, opening a window and leading the way towards the school she had grown accustomed to.

"Hey, Blizzard!" someone called as they passed.

"Good luck today on your assessment!" another one called from below.

"We're rooting for ya! Woo!" Blizzard heard from above.

Blizzard had grown very popular in Polar Academy. Every dragon knew her name, and Blizzard learned the names of many in the school as well. She didn't consider them friends, though. Only acquaintances. Even if many approached her to ask for her help in their studies.

Blizzard banked towards the library. Inside, Wildflower and Beach were waiting. When Blizzard, Sandstorm, and Cloud entered, they turned with happy expressions.

"Ah! So early?" Wildflower pondered.

"We're returning the scrolls I needed," Blizzard said. "Here," Blizzard handed Beach the bag with the scrolls. Beach took the bag and flew up towards where the scrolls were to be placed.

"So, how ready do you feel, Bliz?" Wildflower asked.

"Not sure," Blizzard said. "Nervous, I will admit,"

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