Chapter 23

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"Blizzard, wake up," Sandstorm's voice whispered in Blizzard's ear. The IceWing opened her eyes, as she wasn't in that deep of a sleep, and lifted her head to see Sandstorm and Comet there. The sky was still dark in the skylight overhead.

"What's going on?" Blizzard asked.

"Come on, we have to wake Cloud and meet with Supercell," Sandstorm said. He quickly turned and started towards the door. Comet pulled Blizzard out of bed to follow.

"Magisallian Capital sent a party," Comet said in a loud whisper. "And they're mean looking!"

"They're armed," Sandstorm explained as they sped walked through the halls. "They don't look friendly, and they don't look like they'll take no for an answer,"

"So, Supercell and Comet and Blizzard and Sandstorm and Cloud are going to the Mega Moon Temple!" Comet announced.

Sandstorm led them to a door labeled Cloud, and entered quietly. "Cloud?" Sandstorm called. The little red SkyWing was curled up in his blankets. Blizzard ran up and grabbed him by the wing, dragging him out of the covers and onto the stone floor.

Cloud whined and feebly reached for his bed, only to be forced up onto his feet by Blizzard. "Get up, Cloud. We're moving. Now,"

"Can't we do it later?" Cloud whined as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm tired, and it's not even morning yet,"

"This is an emergency," Sandstorm explained. "We need to get to the Mega Moon Temple, now,"

Cloud begrudgingly followed as Comet started leading them out of the guest rooms. They led them out and into the Royal Chambers. There were a number of doors, like with the guest rooms, with two giant double doors studded with gems at the end of the hall.

Comet led the group to a room that bore the Fear Master Mark. Inside was Supercell, waiting for them next to her bed. Her room was clean, save for the messy desk that was situated next to a large scroll-shelf. On another side of the room was a collection of different weapons, ranging from spears to swords to slingshots.

"Good, we are all present," Supercell said. "Follow me. I have knowledge of a blind spot we can utilize to escape,"

Supercell then pointed upwards. "We must leave through a skylight. There is no doubt that the party will have a lookout that will be observing the usual routes,"

"How big is the party?" Cloud asked as the team took off.

"Fifteen strong," Supercell answered. "Cumulus is handling them, at the moment,"

"Queen Cumulus finally came out of her room?" Blizzard inquired.

"That is a topic for later discussion," Supercell said. She led them out of her room, with Comet and Supercell leading and checking to make sure the coast of clear. They flew close to the ground, towards the Feast Plaza.

Blizzard spotted a few CloudWings napping in warm huddles on the Plaza, their wings wrapped around each other. Looking back, Blizzard spotted a group of unfamiliar shapes in the throne platform near the top of the palace. The IceWing wouldn't discern details on who was who, as they were too far away.

Comet took point and led them southeast, over the ocean and away from the Royal Island. By the time the next island came into view, the royal island was almost completely out of sight. The island they were approaching was small, with a small woodland on its surface. The numerous trees did little to hide the giant stone structure that was situated on the south side of the island.

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