Chapter 20

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After even more flying, filled with Comet's constant ranting about random topics and Sandstorm's, Cloud's, and Blizzard's replies to his questions, a strange cloud formation appeared in the distance.

"Listen up!" Comet said. "Comet needs you three to be quiet! Traversing the Cloud Kingdom needs the skills of a master caller!"

"Caller?" Cloud started before Comet slapped his tail across the SkyWing's mouth. "Comet. Said. QUIET!" Comet growled. He pointed to the nearing cloud formation, which looked like a line of thick clouds that wound their way across the sky and towards the horizon. "That is the border marker for the Cloud Kingdom. Follow my lead,"

The group went silent, even Comet. As they neared, strange noises started to fill the dragons' ears. They sounded like dragon calls, but with a mix of bird calls as well. When they crossed the border, Comet started to make calls as well.

The first call was a loud roar that had a mix of a gurgling growl and a high pitched screech. They were met with a chorus of what sounded like startled and surprised screeches.

"What was that?" Sandstorm whispered.

"Comet's signature roar!" Comet whispered back. "Comet made it up so that everyone knows when he's approaching!"

There was a series of chirps that sounded in their direction. Comet expanded his throat and let out a deep scraak scraak sound. He then turned to the other three.

"CloudWings want to know if Comet is returning with someone," Comet said. "When Comet calls your name, roar the loudest you can! Sandstorm!"

Sandstorm cleared his throat and let out a bellowing roar that echoed off the water and the now appearing rocky outcrops. The land started to rise into mountainous island, ranging from large enough to fit ten mountains, to big enough to barely fit a hill.

"Cloud!" The SkyWing seemed to try his best to imitate Sandstorm's roar, but it came out higher pitched and more scream-like than roar like.

"Blizzard!" Blizzard took a deep breath and let out the loudest roar she could muster up. Her throat hurt after such a feat, but she guessed it was worth it by the way Comet grinned at her.

There was a streak of white and blue to their right, and Blizzard first thought that IceWings had followed them and were about to attack. She whipped her head around towards the group of ten dragons, only to see a group of CloudWings beginning to follow them. They stared at the group with wide, curious eyes.

The CloudWing that seemed to be leading the group exchanged a couple of weird cough sounds with each other before they continued on.

Another group of CloudWings were winging their way towards them from the left. Then another from behind, then from in front. Soon, Blizzard found herself in an army of CloudWings. Most were staring at the group, their gazes focused more on Blizzard and Comet.

"Why are they staring?" Blizzard asked during a silence in the middle of Comet's calling spree.

"Blizzard is the first IceWing seen in the Cloud Kingdom!" Comet said, his voice not a whisper, but not his usual loud self. "Plus, You three have brought Comet back home! Of course dragons are gonna stare!"

"Oh, goody..." Blizzard grumbled, shifting uncomfortably in the middle of what felt like a thousand eyes boring into her scales. As Blizzard forced herself to look around her, it seemed as if her theory was almost correct. There seemed like there were hundreds of CloudWings following them now.

"Where are we headed?" Sandstorm asked, shooting a wave at a nearby group. The CloudWings waved back with gusto.

"The Palace of the Clouds!" Comet answered. "The home of Prince Comet!"

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