Chapter 28

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"Permafrost!" Sandstorm growled, his wings flaring. "What are you doing here?"

"Doing what I must!" Permafrost yelled back, his voice sounding strained and husky. Over where Supercell was, Blizzard growled when she saw someone shackle her with Fear Elemental Lock Shackles. "I want my sister back,"

"Well, you can't have her!" Comet opposed, growling and stomping his talons. "Now give me my sister back,"

"Well, you can't have her! Now give me my sister back!" Permafrost shot back, sticking out his tongue at the CloudWing prince.

Blizzard growled, feeling hopeless. She could charge forward and kill Permafrost right here, right now. But what she saw stopped her. Next to Permafrost were two dragons; Sunset, the former member of the Ice Council, and Stargazer, the NightWing who once was infatuated with Blizzard.

Along with their Ice Master Marks, both also sported the Light Master Mark upon their eyes. Stargazer looked miserable. His eyes had dark bags under them, and his scales look dulled and withered. Sunset, on the other hand, looked almost as healthy as before. But he looked angry with every dragon before him.

But one thing that really gained Blizzard's attention was the sight of what Permafrost was clutching tightly in his talons. In his talons was a scroll case that was white with glowing crystal stoppers. The crystals were made of Moon Crystals, and it almost looked like it was quivering in Permafrost's talons.

"Please," Stargazer pleaded, stepping forward. "We won't hurt Cloud or Supercell if you give us Blizzard,"

"Cloud?" Sandstorm said in a dangerously low voice. "What about my son?"

"Hahaha!" Permafrost busted out laughing, barely gasping out "Bring him out! The SandWIng thinks this SkyWing is his son!"

The crowd of Dark Revoltian dragons parted to let someone through. A dragon was leading Cloud forward with a knife to the SkyWing's neck. The SkyWing's scales were coated in frost, and his wings were frozen shot with icicles hanging from every part of his body. He was still alive, but his eyes were frozen shut and his teeth were clattering.

"Fool," the Grand Headmaster growled, looking to growing in size when he spread his wings in anger. "You led him through the Ice Plains without any protection? He'll freeze to death soon if you do not get him help,"

"He does have help!" Sunset snapped. "The dragon holding him is a Fire and Flora Master. If he does die, we can reanimate him! It comes with being a Flora Master,"

"You know that is only a small chance," the Grand Headmaster stated.

"Still!" Sunset stomped his talons in his whine.

"Where is Blizzard?" Stargazer asked, looking worried. "I don't see her anywhere. You didn't lose her to the Ice Plains, right? Is she alive?"

"That is none of your concern," the Grand Headmaster growled, turning their head towards the NightWing.

"But I love her!" Stargazer protested. "Tell me where she is! I need to know if she's okay!"

"Yesssss," Sunset hissed, his tongue slipping out from between his teeth. "Show us where the Iceborn is. She needs to pay for what she did,"

"She did nothing wrong," Comet barked, flaring his own wings and whipping his tail around. "And I love her, too! Bad NightWing is no good for her!"

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