Chapter 21

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Blizzard was flying. She was wearing armor of ice. She was wielding a spear of quartz and black jet, which glowed a wicked white. To her left was Sandstorm and Cloud, clad in storm colored armor.

'Commander Sandstorm and his assistant Cloud,' Blizzard found herself thinking.

To her right was Comet, wearing a strange armor that changed color and shape. He looked up at Blizzard with sad, yet determined eyes.

'King Comet,' Blizzard confirmed in her head.

Surrounding her was an army. Made of CloudWings, most wearing storm or cloud or sky colored armor. She spotted a few wearing ice armor, or armor of fire. Some made of gems and crystals, while others wore only dark colored cloaks.

'My army,' Blizzard thought.

They were approaching Magisalla. The CloudWings were creating a thick cloud cover over themselves as they charged forward. They passed by the remnants of the barrier that surrounded Magisalla. It was visible now, floating shards of blue magic, looking like broken and melting glass.

A group of dragons winged in from the north, from the Capital Territory. Three in total, all clad in color changing armor. They approached Blizzard.

"The entire Dark Revolt army is stationed at the Capital, Queen Blizzard," Commander Stratus said. He was wearing bright orange armor that glowed, showing that it was hot like firescales.

"Their formation status?" Blizzard asked. She sounded older. Much older.

"Much like our own," Stratus said. "They are expecting a classic CloudWing ambush,"

"Noted," Blizzard said. She turned to Sandstorm and Cloud. "Cloud, go and gather as many Water Masters as you can,"

"Yes, your majesty," Cloud flew down towards the army, calling for Water Masters.

"Sandstorm, you and Stratus group dragons up into Wings of fifty to seventy," Blizzard ordered. "When you do that, then assign two or three Water Masters to each Wing,"

"Of course," Sandstorm an Stratus both saluted and flew towards the surrounding army, shouting orders.

Cloud returned with around two hundred dragons, all bearing the Water Master Mark. Blizzard flew down to address them.

"Listen up!" she roared. "You will soon be assigned to a Wing of dragons! You you all work together to move this army underwater. Any dragons left will be used to relay messages through the water,"

"Everyone else!" Blizzard roared, addressing her entire army. "You charge at Comet's roar! When you hear that, show no mercy to Dark Revoltians!"

Sandstorm and Stratus began to assign Water Masters to the eighty six Wings of dragons. Blizzard, Sandstorm, Cloud, Comet, and a Water Master that Blizzard did not know the name of all flew above the water as the army began to submerge.

"Your majesty," Cloud began. "What happens... if we begin to loose?"

"We keep fighting," Blizzard replied. "Our goal is to kill Permafrost. The moment he is dead, everyone will be free from the Tonic of Loyalty. He will be heavily guarded. Once he is dead, the Dark Revolt will no longer be a threat to this planet,"

"But how will we know where he is?" Cloud asked. "The Capital Territory has secret bunkers everywhere. He could be in any of them!"

"My brother is not stupid and cowardly enough to hide in a bunker," Blizzard explained. "He will be in plain sight. Watch for thickly guarded areas. Attack them with no mercy,"

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