Chapter 25

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(A/N: OMG Sorry for such the long wait for this part everyone! A lot has been happening in my life at the moment. With applying for college, taking placement tests, and working on another series on an alien species I made, I could hardly find time to work on Iceborn. But here we are! Hopefully I can find more time for Iceborn in the future. Thank you for being patient, guys! Enjoy this part!)

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"We must go. Now," The Grand Headmaster called to the royals, who were still hugging.

The three jumped at the Grand Headmaster's call, and they obliged to their order. Comet and Supercell exchanged a few words of farewell with Cumulus before they made their way to Blizzard and the Grand Headmaster.

"Okay! Comet is happy with how that went," Comet said.

"You can tell us the story after we begin to move," Blizzard said. "We need to leave before the swarm gets here,"

"Let us waste no more time," the Grand Headmaster said. "Let's go!"

The Grand Headmaster spread their wings and took to the air. Blizzard, Supercell, and Comet followed shortly after. A few Storm Guard members launched into the air to follow. Cloud was one of them.

"We're heading to the Northern Outpost!" Cloud called. "After that, you're on your own!"

"Comet wishes Cloud could come with!" Comet whined. "But then Cloud would just complain about all the flying on this three day journey,"

"I... I cannot argue with that," Cloud sighed. "Just the one day journey to the Northern Outpost will kill my wings,"

"And you have been selected as a Storm Guard captain, how?" Supercell stated in a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe my charisma?" Cloud offered. "When I'm not complaining, I can be very optimistic!"

"Noted," Supercell mumbled, receiving a pout from Cloud.

"And remember, it's only temporary," Blizzard pointed out. "Until Queen Cumulus finds a someone else,"

"Maybe Cumulus will see how awesome of a job Sandstorm and Cloud does and will let them be Storm Guard captains!" Comet exclaimed. "That would be awesome! The first non-CloudWing Storm Guard captains since the time of Cumulus' mother!"

"I doubt it," Supercell stated. "For Cloud at least,"

"I'm right here, you know," Cloud called.

"Take into consideration," Supercell continued. "The facets a dragon needs to be a part of the Storm Guard; Proper training starting at age 4, increased abilities in Magisallian magic, and one needs to have knowledge of the entire CloudWing culture such as history, geography, classism, religion, as well as increased knowledge in Magisallian lore,"

"How does on even memorize all of that?" Blizzard questioned. "I had enough trouble memorizing everything about the Ice Territory,"

"But also take into consideration the situation the CloudWings are in," Comet pointed out. "With the Dark Revolt as close and as dangerous as it is now, neither Cumulus or Jetstream have time to go through the Storm Guard members to find a suitable captain,"

"I cannot argue with that..." Supercell tapped her chin in thought.

"So..." Cloud started. "What happened with Cumulus? Last I knew, she wanted you dead, didn't she?"

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