Chapter 11

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Blizzard couldn't look away. Grand Alto had an ice spear embedded into his chest, right in the middle of his master mark. There were scratches all over his body. Not just any scratches.

Those scratches were made by IceWing claws.

Blizzard started to back away in shock when she heard a voice.

"What in the world happened here? Oh! Blizzard!" Stargazer had followed Blizzard upstairs. He walked up, then saw the red juice on Blizzard's talons.

"What happened? Why are you claws-" Stargazer glanced over and saw Grand Alto's body. He gasped, then glanced at the red blood, then at Blizzard's claws.

"I didn't kill him," Blizzard said. "I-I dropped my chalice there, see? It's just juice on my claws," she said, pointing to the shards of her golden chalice.

Stargazer flicked his wide eyed gaze to the shards, then at Grand Alto, then at Blizzard. "You- What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Blizzard said. "Just- Who did this?" Blizzard asked.

"I don't know," Stargazer said. He gulped visibly, then started thinking. Although Stargazer wasn't born under any full moons, he did have stronger gut instincts that proved to be right.

"You're in danger," he said.

"No duh," Blizzard spat. She pointed to Grand Alto's body. "Those are IceWing claws marks. There's an IceWing or IceWing hybrid criminal here,"

"You need to run," Stargazer said, grabbing Blizzard by the shoulders and shoving her towards a window.

"What? I can't run! I need to tell them I'm not responsible!" Blizzard protested. 'I don't want to become a runaway again!' she added in her head.

"The rest of the council will use this," Stargazer reasoned. "They'll frame you until the real culprit is caught. I'll do my best to defend you. I know for a fact you didn't kill Alto. You have no motive to,"

"Stargazer," Blizzard snapped, turning and standing her ground. "I am not running anymore. I will stay and investigate this case. I'll prove I'm innocent," Blizzard lifted her still juice covered claws and started to lick the juice off.

"Blizzard," Stargazer whispered. "I don't want you to get in trouble. Falsely accused,"

"I'll get through this," Blizzard said, leading the way down towards the ballroom. "Let's go and announce this,"

Back at the party, dragons were going on with their night. The party was to close soon, with Grand Alto giving a farewell speech. But such a speech was not to be spoken tonight. Blizzard and Stargazer hopped onto the stage.

"Everyone!" Blizzard called. "Attention! I have some... bad news,"

Everyone in the ballroom turned with curious expressions. Some looked worried, others looked surprised.

"I am very, very sorry to announce this. Grand Alto was just found in his library. Murdered," Blizzard announced. The dragons around her gasped, some letting out small screams, and mothers hugging their children.

"Who did it? What happened?" someone asked.

"I went to go and inform Grand Alto on some information I had received recently," Blizzard explained. "I found the library in shambles. Someone left, via portal from the sound I heard. I found Alto dead, via spear to the heart,"

"What proof do you have that you didn't kill him?" Sunset called.

'Of course,' Blizzard thought. She didn't even glance at the SandWing. "Yes, I have proof. Stargazer was there moments after I found the body,"

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