Chapter 13

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It was dark and foreboding in the high security cell that Blizzard was locked up in. The Elemental Lock Shackles on her wrists and ankles added to the discomfort, as did the sounds of the other high security prisoners cursing at each other.

The High Security prison was located in an enormous cavern, somewhere in the Dark Elemental Territory. Hanging from the ceiling were large bird-cage like cages that acted like cells. Some cages were hung below other cages, creating a chain of cages from ceiling to halfway down to the pitch black floor below. Each cage was illuminated by a small glowing orb that hung from the ceiling of the cage.

Blizzard had long since woken up from whatever knocked her out. When she woke up, Sunset was there, on the other side of the bars to tell Blizzard that her trial was three days from then. That was mere hours ago.

The IceWing dared not speak or move from the laying down position she was in. She was in too much shock to really process all that was happening.

After what seemed like forever, Blizzard started to sit up, stretching her aching limbs and surveying her surroundings. The her cage was located on the bottom of a cage chain, and the chain seemed to be swaying. Upon closer inspection, a dragon a few cages up was arguing with another in a nearby chain, thrashing in anger in his cell and causing the cages to swing.

Blizzard exhaled a long and very deep sigh. Normally, a plum of icy mist would accompany it, but nothing followed.

'Why?' Blizzard asked herself. 'Why? Why? Why? Am I doomed to be a criminal in the end? No matter what I do or where I go?'

"Hey kid,"

Blizzard jumped at the sound of a voice that seemed directed at her. She looked around in a frenzy, her mind still fuzzy.

"Over here, IceWing,"

The voice sounded again. It was an old dragon at the end of another nearby chain. He seemed to be a MudWing and SandWing hybrid. He was laying down, and seemed strangely happy.

"What is it?" Blizzard asked, narrowing her now dull red eyes.

"Oi, speak in a more respectful tone to your elders!" The dragon said, looking not at all offended. "The name's Mudslide. You must be Blizzard, right?"

"Yeah. I don't know why you want to speak with me," Blizzard said, stumbling as the cage swung violently to the left, accompanied by a furious roar from above that was in response to a very vulgar insult.

"Oh, but I do!" Mudslide said. "I'm quite curious as to why you are here. I heard that you were supposed to be Grand Alto's Apprentice,"

"I was," Blizzard hissed. "Until someone framed me for murdering Grand Alto. All evidence points to me, since I'm the only IceWing in Magisalla, and the wounds show IceWing claws,"

"Ah, you were framed?" Mudslide looked strangely sympathetic. "I was placed here for having two Master Marks and not being an Animus,"

"Something that simple?" Blizzard pondered.

"Ah, where you never taught that law?" Mudslide asked. "If you are not an Animus, you are only allowed one Elemental Master Mark. Any more would be seen as trying to obtain more power than you deserve, and you are put in jail for it. It's a bunch of crocodile poop to me,"

"What Master Marks do you have?" Blizzard asked, now noticing that his wrist shackles were different from his ankle shackles. His wrist was glowing bright red, showing the Fire Element. The ankle shackles looking like they were make of Ice, much like Blizzard's own.

"I was able to get fire and ice. I tried to be subtle about it," Mudslide explained. "I wore a chest plate everywhere I went to hide my Ice Master Mark. Just as I got my Fire Master Mark, someone called me out,"

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