Chapter 26

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The IceWing whom had just been turned invisible wanted so badly to ask the Grand Headmaster a variety of questions. But each time Blizzard spoke, pawed at the black cloak, or even roared, the Grand Headmaster ignored her each time.

"How can you still see me!?" Blizzard had screamed while she, Comet, and the Grand Headmaster were walking back down to their nests. But once more, her question went unanswered.

"Go to sleep, both of you," the Grand Headmaster ordered, staring at Comet. "Unless Blizzard is still on the roof. Then Comet, get some sleep,"

Comet looked absolutely downtrodden yet relieved. Blizzard made her way to her nest and settled down to sleep, only for Comet to come and settle down next to her nest. He sighed deeply, then whispered "Good night, Blizzard," before he closed his eyes.

Blizzard wanted to respond, but she knew she would go unheard. She closed her eyes and finally drifted off into the void of dreams.

The next morning, Blizzard woke to a panic.

"Where is she!?"

It was Sandstorm who had roared, running up to Blizzard's nest and peering down at her, but at the same time not focusing on her. Blizzard jumped up, as did Comet, tumbling out of the nest in their jumpscare.

"Where's Blizzard? Did she leave? Was she captured in the night? No one's throat was slashed, right?" Sandstorm hurried, looking worried and scared. The Grand Headmaster sighed and lifted their head towards Sandstorm.

"She is still here," they stated. "I hope. Last night I had Comet turn her invisible to protect her from the effects of the scroll and to keep her away from the Dark Revolt,"

"Invisible?" Sandstorm relaxed, albeit only a small bit. "Then... She could be anywhere? She could be flying towards the Cloud Kingdom right now? She could be-"

"No worries, Captain Sandstorm," Blizzard mumbled, reaching out to poke Sandstorm's talon. The SandWing jumped away, staring at his talon in fright.

"Was that her? Blizzard, was that you?" he asked frantically. In response, Blizzard shoved him to the side. Sandstorm let out a laugh mixed with a sigh as he regained his footing.

"She's still here..." he sighed. "Okay. Alright, crisis over,"

"Good," the Grand Headmaster said. They heaved themselves to their feet and shook themselves off. The rest of the CloudWings, as well as Cloud, were grumbling about a loud SandWing waking them up.

"Well, I would say that this is a good turn of events," the Grand Headmaster stated, shaking one of the CloudWings up. "We are up earlier than expected. You, grab our rations. We shall eat, then we shall head on off. An early start is better than nothing,"

The CloudWing grumbled as she stood and went to do what she was ordered to do. Cloud stretched, blinking out the sleep from his eyes. He looked over to where Supercell was sitting up, and sat up quickly as well.

Soon, the group gathered to eat. However, Blizzard found that she wasn't hungry. She remembered that the enchantment on her made it that she would never feel the need to eat or drink. She watched at the others ate without her. She sat a tail length away, feeling a little isolated.

"So, what happens at King's Peak?" Cloud asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"How so?" the Grand Headmaster asked as they tore at some cooked meat.

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