Extended Summary

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❝With great power comes great responsibility.❞ ~ Uncle Ben

❝When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.❞ ~ Peter Parker 


Fiona Justice is definitely no ordinary student at Midtown High. She has superpowers like no other, and goes by the alias: Intensity. Moving from the capitol city of Hartford, Connecticut to Queens, seems like a step up in her villain-stopping career. Especially with sharing the crime fighting with her new city's hero, Spiderman.

Being the new girl in school, she meets Peter Parker, whom catches her eye almost immediately. He's kind, smart and has the heart of a hero. Sticking around her new friend, Peter, seems to be the best choice; until the Vulture invades the school grounds. Seeing the villain making an appearance forces Fiona to ponder her life as a superhero, and one thing for certain... Its either fight or flight.

Authors Note: I love both DC and MARVEL. Spider-Man is one of my favorite superheroes in MARVEL comics. Obviously, I'm a Hollander.

The following is rated under PG-13 for  the following:
Intense Action scenes, and a lot of ass kicking.
Things that are considered Sci-fi related.
Teenager stuff that people may or may not care about.
Lots of nerdy references (Wait. Does that make it PG-13? It doesn't? Oh well).
A whole lot of... the list goes on.

I also mention a bunch of stuff from Agents of SHIELD (the TV show). Long story, that'll be explained later. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story!

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now