19- Keep Calm and Call Tony

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I walk down a hallway, past a wall of glass, that is the only barrier from falling into the city below.
A woman, whom I'm guessing is a receptionist, hurries after me. Luckily, I know where I'm going, and head for the office.
I rush over to the door, determined to knock without being escorted out of the building.
I rap quickly at the frame.
The receptionist, or one of them, catches up to me, before anyone can come to the door. I'm actually surprised she could go that fast in high heels like that. Her feet look like they could break off.

"Miss," the woman says, "Would you please leave? Or else, I will have security to lead you out."
The entrance way opens up, just as I'm about to reply. Great timing.

"Thank you, but I think I can handle this one," Tony Stark responds instead. "Fiona. Glad you're here. Step into my office."

The receptionist  looks flabbergasted that Tony knows me. Its not everyday that a genius, billionaire, philanthropist knows you by name, and lets you in for a talk, without making an appointment.
The woman scurries away, and I walk into one of Tony's many offices.

"This looks like every other office you ever had," I glance around the room.

"That's not true. Different views," Tony points out, as he sits down at his desk. "Also, no skylight. So don't exit through the roof."

"There's also thirty more floors above us, so I wouldn't try that anyway."

Tony goes quiet for a second. "You're here for something, and I'm guessing its not me."

"Did you make the adjustments to Peter's suit?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Tony, Peter was fighting Vulture, and if I hadn't been there to stop him, we wouldn't have a Spider-Man."

Tony sits there, contemplating what to say. "The suit is just getting a few adjustments. And speaking of suits, how's yours holding up?"

"I could care less about my suit right now, Tony. Whenever you're done with your political game, I could really use your help."

"My 'political game' is how the CIA isn't banging down your door, and taking you to some prison, for siding with the Captain." Tony says. "Among other things, the governments breathing down my neck about what has to be done. That president of ours is really getting on my nerves." He sighs. "And I know things aren't going well for both of you."
He means Peter and I.
"Can't stress enough about this world's problems. There's still a bigger threat out there, and I know there is. My goal is project this planet."

"I know it is. But you pushing away everyone on 'Team Cap', and Steve himself, isn't going to do you any good. You need us, Tony. We're best united in these times. You said so yourself."

"Are you sure that wasn't the Captain saying that? Because, for the record, you sound a lot like him."

I go silent for a few long moments. "You gathered the Avengers for a reason. We're here to save the Earth."

"You're a kid, Fiona. The Avengers is adults' business. We have bigger problems than babysitting."

"Ya know, in some weird way, you've been a mentor to me. But my job isn't to stand here, and act like a child, and watch this place fall apart. You were the one who wouldn't let me fight Ultron with you. When the next war needs to be fought, you will need me as an Avenger."

"Do you know how many heart attacks you cause all of us? A lot. Barton didn't want a fourteen year old coming with us to fight a killer robot army either. Yes, I do treat you like kid, but that's because you are one. You have a life ahead of you that shouldn't have death as a consequence of your actions. Peter shouldn't either. I told him to let me handle the conflict, but he didn't.
You're not ready for what's coming."

"You told me I was ready before, for fighting Vulture."

"Vulture is a street thug, that doesn't have the power to wipe out entire cities."

"But he almost killed me. And look, here I am, in one piece. Peter and I worked as a team, and yeah, we didn't take down the bad guy, but we lived to fight another day. That's what the Avenger's need to do, we need to regroup ourselves and become the family we once were."

Tony looks at me for a while, and seems to be thinking about my words very carefully.
"Do you know what Rodgers would do to me if I let you get yourself hurt? He'd kill me."

"You haven't talked to Steve in forever. Sort out your differences. If we have an evil opponent heading our way, we'll need our leaders to guide us."

"Sometimes I forget your only fifteen. Are you sure you're not Romanoff in disguise?"

I smile slightly, "where is Nat anyway?"

"Do you think she would tell me?"

"Absolutely not. I heard she might be hanging out with Stealth Hunter." I cross my arms. "Whoever Stealth Hunter is."

"That is probably classified."

"Now you sound like Coulson."

"How do you know him?"

"That's classified."

"Look at you, ready to take on the role of director of S.H.I.E.L.D," Tony takes out a file.

"What's that?"

"This?" Tony opens the folder. "Nothing that quite concerns you."

"New recruits?" I try to catch a glimpse of the details. But Tony brings it away from my view. "What about Captain Marvel?"


"Never mind." 

"I'm sorry. But I'm going to have to cut you short. I've got a meeting to go to."

"What about--"

"Spider-Man will get his suit back. Don't worry. I'll have Happy ship it to him."

"You're kicking me out?"

"I'm not kicking you out. Just giving obvious hints that you might want to leave."

"Great to know that you're my friend."

"That's why I'm here."

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now