1- New School, New Hero

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Midtown High. My new school. Fiona Justice is my name, and fighting crime is my game.

I walk through the crowd of strangers, in front of the building. I push my glasses up onto my nose. I forgot my contact lenses. I wish I remembered them, I'd feel less nerdy with them. I mean, I'm ok with being a nerd, kind of. As I look for a familiar face, all I can see are people staring at me. Possibly judging me. The struggle of being a teenager, trying to overcome my lack of self-confidence.

I open the one of the doors to the school. I walk inside. I spot a teacher walking down the hallway. "Um, excuse me," I said. "I'm new here, and I..."

The teacher smiles kindly, she looks about thirty-five. "You must be Fiona Justice. I remember you from the school tour, we gave a few weeks ago. I'm Mrs. White, one of the English teachers. School's been on for a while now, but you'll fit right in." she pauses as the bell rings.

A bunch of kids start to swarm in like bees, as school begins. "You have your schedule right?" Mrs. white asks me over all the noise. I nod, and adjust my glasses. "Can I see it?" she asks. I hand the paper to her. She grins. "I know just you who to pair you with for the day," she said. The English teacher gestures me to follow her.

"Pair me up with?" I ask, trying to keep my backpack from falling off.

"I mean briefly explain things to you," Mrs. White said. Then she changed the subject, "Do you have any friends here so far?"

"I think my best friend, June Chance goes here."

"Yes, I know June. Very smart and athletic. Do you do sports?"

"Um, no. I used to ride horses but I stopped."

"Is this your first time moving?" Mrs. White changed the subject again.

"No, my family's moved five times, but its our first time in Queens, or outside of Connecticut."

"Wow, you moved a lot! Connecticut is an interesting state, lots of history," her parts of the conversation is all over the place.

Mrs. White then stops in front of a set of lockers, with many groups of kids huddled around them. The English teacher walks up to a boy with brown hair, rummaging through his bag. "Peter Parker?" she asks to get his attention. The boy looks up at her.

"Yes, Mrs. White?" he questions, getting to his feet.

"This is Fiona. She's new to our school. Would you be so kind to show her the ropes?"

"Sure," he looks at me, and smiles. "Hi, I'm Peter."

My hear skips a beat, but I ignore it. I smile back, "Fiona." I'm try not to stare at Peter. I barely even noticed that Mrs. White left, or said 'bye, see you in class'.

"So," Peter said. "Where did you used to live?"

"Hartford, Connecticut."

"Where Intensity comes from?" 

"Yeah," I murmur. My other alias, Intensity. I haven't been in the suit since a month ago. When I fought beside Captain America and the half of the Avengers, against Ironman. Then after, my family moved to Queens, and I decided to hang up my super-suit for a while. I'm still pondering on whether I should take it out and use it again.

"Queens has Spider-Man right?" I ask. I try to keep the judging tone out of my voice. I'm not the biggest Spider-Man fan, ever since he attempted to wipe me out in the airport, in Germany.

"Do you like Spider-Man?" Peter asks.

"I'm still deciding," I said, almost in a bored way.

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now