9- Collision

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Shocker's weapon fires a ball of electrical voltage

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Shocker's weapon fires a ball of electrical voltage. Peter flips out of the way, and I leap into the air. I fly to the right side of the thug, and try to bring his attention away from Spidey.

It worked; because without any warning, a sphere of power smacks right into my chest. I drop out of the sky, and smash into a dumpster, which is right next to a school bus parking lot.

I climb to my feet, and peel a piece of plastic off my suit. "Gross," I growl, and rub my sore ribcage. I brush my loose hair out of my face. I rise into the air, and look for Shocker.

A bus screeches across the parking lot, and swerves to the side. My eyes follow Peter as he's thrown off the front of the bus. Then he smashes into other yellow vehicle.

I cringe at the glass shatters from the windows, and leaves a dent. Spider-Man falls onto the pavement, and doesn't move.

I stiffen, as Shocker comes into view. His weapon charges up, and he aims it at Peter.

I shoot like a bullet through the air,and crash into the villain

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I shoot like a bullet through the air,and crash into the villain. We tumble a few meters, before I regroup myself, and punch him hard in the soft part of his abdomen. "Beat it, Shocker."

I stand up straight. "Last warning. Unless you want to go to prison."

"You know, for a little girl you--" he gets cut off, as I grip his jacket, and pull him up.

"Shut up. I swear I will throw you across this lot." I glare at Shocker.

"I'm not scared of you. I've seen a hell-of-a-lot guys more terrifying than you."

Then he gets kicked out of my grasp, and sails a bit of a ways. I look at the crumpled heap that Shocker is, with Peter towering over him. "Well, obviously you only saw Intensity's good side."

I walk up next to Spidey. My hands fill with energy. "Tinkerer's gone. Who do you think will supply you with weapons now? You might as well turn yourself in."

"That's what you think," Shocker growls. That's when his Chitauri weapon discharges, and Spider-Man and I go flying.

I yelp as I smack into a bus, and leave what you'd call minor damage compared to Peter's collision. I open my eyes and catch a glimpse of myself in a nearby puddle. There's a large bruise on my cheekbone, that has already turned black and blue. I can feel a cut on my hip, as I struggle to regain my footing.

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