16- When In Doubt

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What happens when you start to doubt yourself?
What I usually do is tell myself is that I have every right to doubt myself, because I always do something wrong. Let me also remind you that you are asking an insecure, and very low self-confident teenager.
But to anyone who is not me, do not doubt yourself, and you will eventually succeed. Though, it doesn't always seem like you can pull yourself out of the tough times.

"What am I going to do?" Peter sighs, as he slumps onto the floor.

"You're telling me, that Tony took away your suit? The same Tony that--"

"Yes." Peter looks up at me, from his place against the wall of my bedroom.

I sit down beside him. He's in his original suit, and I'm still wearing pajamas, because he came in at twelve o' clock in the middle of the night.

"You weren't planning to fly an airplane were you?" I ask, half teasing, staring into empty space.

"No. These are my old goggles," Peter replies neutrally. "Not aviator related."

"Oh. . . If there's anything I can do, I'll be here."

"I know. That's why I came."

"That's not creepy or anything," I snort, and brush the hair away from my face.

"I didn't mean it like that," Spidey shakes his head.

"The hood's a nice touch. Looks like you're a streetfighter," I smirk.

"The suit, before Mr. Stark gave me the other one, needed some upgrades."

"I can tell. It looks like you dumpster dived for it."

"Hey," Peter playfully shoves me.

I laugh a little bit, but then I cover my mouth; because my parents and little brother are asleep.

"You can still fight in that thing, right?"

"Yeah. And what about you?"

"What about me? I have my suit. Its the reason why I'm not filled with bullet holes."

Peter stares at me. I try hard not to stare back at him. My heart skips a beat, and I look at the wall ahead of me.

Peter gets to his feet, without a word. He glances down at me, from my place.
"I've got to get going," he says.

"I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"

"No. Its just that, I've got to go and stop a few robberies."

"Without me? Sounds like a lot of fun," I use the wall to stand up.

Peter smiles, "when you feel like it, you can come."

"Are you kidding me? I love this stuff. Kicking ass is what I do best."

"Grab your suit. And we'll start."

I snatch my suit from my closet. "Wait here."

I quietly run into the bathroom; and pull on my black vibranium suit, and mask.
I silently close the door to my bedroom, and beam. "Okay, lets go."

"Did you get enough sleep? You might run out of energy," Peter places his goggles on his face.

"Yeah, you wish. You might need to be the one to catch up," I joke.

"We'll see about that."

"Is that a challenge?"

"I'm not one to make challenges, but yeah, it is."

"You're on, Spidey," I race to the open window and leap out into the night air.


Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now