5- Science

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Catching a falling firefighter was not how I planned my Monday, but things happen.

I dive through the sky, and grab his jacket.  He's not as heavy as some other people I catch. I carry him down to the ground. Some of the people down below clap and cheer, as I place the firefighter on the street. He thanks me, I give a nod, and fly into the air.

I drop down onto one of the skyscraper's roof. I look up, just in time to see Spider-Man do a backflip. He lands in front of me.

"Nice save," he comments.

"Thanks. Good job stopping that bank robbery on Stone Street."

"Where were you when I did that?" Spidey asks causally.

"There was a home invasion I had to stop."

"Oh," the eye parts of his mask widen slightly.

"What did you find out about The Tinkerer?"

"Not much. I found out where he usually hangs out though."

"That's what you call 'not much'? That was better than what I could find out!" I'm somewhat impressed.

"What did you find out?"

"He's an I.T. guy and has a couple degrees in computer engineering... So, when are we going to catch him?"

"Want to head there tomorrow? Its getting late, and I don't want you to take on the streets at night."

"I can handle myself."

"Do you always act tough?" Spider-Man's question hits a nerve.

I answer honestly, "no. I try to stand up for myself, to make up for the times I didn't. I was... bullied when I was younger, and kept that to myself. I guess that's what tore me down. I'm building myself up, or attempting to. I try to stand up for others, because not too many people stood up for me. I want others to feel like they're not alone, in a world that can make you feel like an atom."

"That's kind of you. Really, I wish there were more sweet people like you."

I glance down at my feet, and hope that Spidey can't tell that I'm blushing. "Thanks." When my face feels less warm, I look up. "But there are always more people like me. Who else will fight the darkness with light?"

"That's why they made the Avengers. We--they fight so others don't have to."

"We are the new Avengers, Spider-Man. Tony and Steve can't carry on forever. Though, I wish they could. I really do. Director Fury, I mean, the new Director is making changes. Everything changes, we can't stop it, but we can stop bad things from happening. My only hope is that we can make it through these problems, and difficult times ahead. United we stand, divide we fall."

"You should write speeches," Spider-Man says in a laughing tone of voice. I'm guessing he's smiling under his mask.

"Okay, we'll find Tinkerer tomorrow. Just don't do anything that'll get you killed, until I'm with you."

"Alright. And 'Tense?" He uses the codename-nickname that the other Avengers call me.

"Yeah?" I'm just about to take off.

"What would you tell a guy who's being picked on, and his best friend has to save his butt all the time? I'm talking about a friend," Spider-Man adds.

I pause, "well. Tell your friend, that he can't act too brave, or else he might get in more trouble. He should stick around his best friend, and look out for the both of them. However, he shouldn't always be the hero around his friend, because it seems like the friend can protect itself."

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now