2- Fight or Flight

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Its been almost a week since Vulture attacked. Some people try to ignore that fact that it ever happened. I, on the other hand, have it pretty well imprinted on my mind... I remembered my contact lenses for once. (Yay me). I also brought my mask just incase of an emergency, I can't stand letting Spider-Man save everyone. I mean, its time I got off my butt and did something about Queens's crime rate. Spidey can't handle it all by himself, can he? 

I'm sitting in science class, one of my favorite subjects. But its homework is something I don't like. I drum my fingers on my desk. The person behind me taps my shoulder. I turn and see June, my best friend, whom I met at summer camp. I smile. Someone claps their hands to get our attention.

"Okay everyone, eyes on the me," Mr. Warren, the science teacher, writes homework on the board. Then he looks at all of us. "Warm up time. Who can tell me what the compounds of water? The list their  atomic numbers. Come on. All of you homo-sapiens should know this one." 

June rolls her eyes. "When will he stop calling us that?"

"C'mon. Its the scientific--"

"Scientific name for humans, I know," June said. "God, this class is boring."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Peter's hand shoot up. Mr. Warren calls on him.

"H2O. Two hydrogen and one oxygen atom. Oxygen has the atomic number of eight, and hydrogen has the atomic number of one," Peter says.

"Very good Peter," Mr. Warren praises. "Which brings me to today's subject... You all are going to create mixtures with chemical compound of your choosing. And no, we are not going to fuse atoms together, or else this place would blow up. Also I am going to choose your partners."

More than half the class groans in complaint, with the idea of teacher-chosen partners.

June gets partnered up with Mary Jane, whom I had just met two days ago. June doesn't seem to be dreading it, like she does with partner activities, which is good.  I got paired with Peter. Which I don't mind, he's nice to have around.

We sit at the back of the room with all the lab tables. I lay my notes down on the table's surface. Peter looks at them.

"What?" I ask. "Too many papers?"

"No, I was just thinking," He pauses. "You're not wearing your glasses today."

"Do I look bad without them?"

"Not at all. I think you look great with or without them," Peter looks like he regrets saying that.

"Thanks Peter," my face heats up.

Peter's eyes widen, "I just remembered that I have to go somewhere."

"Like where? We're just starting on this project. I need my partner on this one." My heart jumps as I realize that the words that just came out my mouth doesn't sound right. I'm an idiot, I thought to myself.

"You're smart," Peter said with a small smile. "I'm sure you can do well without me."

Peter asks Mr. Warren if he can be excused, and then I watch him leave.


I'm at my house, sitting on my bed. My door's closed, so no one can see me staring down at my suit. I move the suit around in my fingers, its vibranium strands shimmer in the last of the sunlight. Its getting dark, and its almost time for me to head out into the night. My first night in Queens as a superhero.

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