31- The Final Fight / Resolution

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A/N: None of this is accurate to the movie. Obviously. [Other AN below will explain everything else.]

I look at Peter. He looks back at me. Our 'one on one' moment is over.
"Time to go back to work," I said, pivoting towards the awaiting fight.
I place my mask on, and am just about to leap down, when Peter grabs my wrist. I glance over my shoulder. "What is it? You almost ruined my epic entrance."

Peter's gaze is serious. "What if you get hurt and die?"
I pry my hand away, "that won't happen."

"How do you know that?"

"Because even if I invited them to kill me it wouldn't work. Vibranium suit, remember?" I ask.
Spidey gives me a long look.

"You didn't have this problem before," I tell him. "We discuss whatever this thing is later, right now the mission comes first."
"Spoken like an Avenger," Peter says.
"I'm supposed to. I have big shoes to fill, if I want to save the world. But for now, Queens needs heroes."
Peter nods, and pulls on his mask too. "Right behind you."
I grin, "then lets go kick some ass."

I jump off the building, and dive through the air.
The villains must have spotted me a mile away, because I'm met by a rain of plasma bullets. Twisting through the fire, surprisingly agile, I dodge danger.
An explosion breaks out behind me, but thanks to the vibranium, I emerge from the rubble unharmed.
"Is that the best you got?" I ignite my hands into blue energy.

"That was amazingly badass," Peter compliments, as he lands next to me.
"Thanks," I mutter quietly so only he can hear.

I leap into the air, and raise my fist. The first person I slam it into is Shocker. Then I shove my boot into the Tinkerer's ribs. 
I blast energy into the Vulture's arm, sending him spiraling through the air, and into the tar.
The second after, Shocker has me pinned, with a plasma weapon to my chest. Whether I get cancer from it, I have no idea.
Shocker is then removed from me by Peter.

I rise off the ground and look at the Tinkerer. "You don't have to fight me."
"What if I do?" Tinkerer pulls out a large amount of weapons.
"Oh, wow." I stand my ground.

The weapons start up making at sound similar to that of a rocket taking off. I hold up my arms, ready to block the power that could hit me. I am not sure how much that is going to help, but I certainly can try.

Preparing for impact, I tense up and plant my feet into the ground, closing my eyes. Then a roar comes in, and the noise of clanking metal.
My eyelids open, and I see Iron Man standing in a superhero pose.
"How did you..?" I lower my arms, staring at him. 

"I might have a tracker on the spider suit," Tony says. "And you're welcome for saving your life."
"I can save myself," I said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can spot Shocker ready to hit Tony from behind. I jump high and far over Iron Man's head, and raise my fists up. I hit Shocker. His suit, no doubt the Tinkerer made, makes a series snaps. He creates mark in the asphalt.
I let out a puff a breath, and look back at Tony, waiting for him to reply.
Tony's helmet mask lifts up. He smirks, "I know you can take care of yourself. You just need help every now and then."
"That sounds like something Cap would say."
Tony now has this spaced-out expression on his face. "Well, maybe some of his mentoring personality rubbed off."

I smile, "that's not a bad thing."
"I never said it was."
A thud comes from Peter falling at my feet. I quickly help him to a standing position. Several meters away from us is Vulture, Shocker, and the Tinkerer.
The three of us against the three of them.

"Do you see what you caused Stark?" the Vulture asks.
Tony glances around at the people huddling in the shadow of the surrounding buildings, looking back at us. "What haven't I caused?" He questions, bringing his gaze back to Vulture.

I bring my eyes to Tony. I feel a twinge of sympathy for the older hero. Some much has happened since he announced he was Iron Man in 2009. He almost accidently had Ultron destroy the world. He signed The Accords, which drove Captain America and the other Avengers away from him. The government has been breathing down his neck and pressuring him, which I cannot begin to guess what it could possibly be. He also lives in trepidation that something terrible is coming, and we have no idea what.
Now here we are, standing at the next consequence of Tony's actions, in which he had no absolute control over.

I stare at the people I have been fighting since I first arrived in Queens. It was not meant to be the city I was guarding in the first place... But like Steve has always told me, I was not meant to save just one city, I was meant to save the world.

A breeze comes in, blowing through my hair, somehow sending reassurance to me.
"You can still walk away," I said to them. "Last warning."
The men start to chuckle, thinking my words are a joke. A small flame of anger starts to burn.
I glance over at Peter. Spider-Man gives me a nod.

Letting out a yell, I rush forward with great speed. Slamming a massive burst of energy into the street. The shockwave knocks Vulture, Tinkerer, and Shocker backward.
The charging of Iron Man's gauntlets reaches my ears. I stand up straight, my hands glow with power.

That is when Peter, Tony and I charge at once, punching, and kicking them with what we got.
I take on the Tinkerer, Peter takes Shocker, and Tony finally gets to punch in Vulture.

I, with an amount of effort, toss Tinkerer into a pile of rubble. Spider-Man webs up both him and Shocker.
"Where's Tony?" I ask him. We turn around and see Iron Man going toe-to-toe with Vulture.

A brutal beat down happens in front of our eyes. Peter takes a step forward, but I block him. "Let Tony get his win," I tell him.
We look on, as Tony and Vulture fight for a few more minutes. Then Tony stops. He looks over at us, and takes a step back. "You guys can finish him," his voice comes in on my coms.

Peter and I exchange a look.
"After you, Spider-Man," I said.
"Finally," Peter breathes out relieved. "I always wanted to deliver the last blow."

Spidey races forward, jumps up, sends out a web, and flips into the air. When he lands, he hits the Vulture right in the mask, knocking him out.

Then that's it. We're done. The trouble is gone, and the heroes have come. 

The darkness of the night is calm and welcoming, as I perch on some building's architecture. I look out into the city that has more or less become home. But I still prefer the countryside that is Connecticut.
The cool air brushes my face, as I close my eyes. I rub my fingertips against my black mask coated in vibranium.

A small thump comes from behind, but I already know who it is.
"Hi," I murmur, still keeping my eyes on the roads below.
"Hey," Peter responds.
"Glad you solved your problems."
"Yeah, me too."

"What's up?"
"With me? Nothing much. However, you... have a scratch in your head." Peter says coming into my peripheral vison.

"Its a scab. Or its healing. I didn't notice I had it until a few minutes ago."
"Well, you showed people how awesome you are. I got it on camera."
Only then do I look at him. "You what? You recorded it?"
"I record almost everything I do. You know that. Ow. Why did you do that?"
"It was only a little punch. You're fine."
"You hit hard."
"What? You want me to kiss it to make it feel better?" I tease.

Peter stares at me. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable. "Sooo, we have to talk about that 'thing'," I shift awkwardly on the stone.
"I guess we do," Peter says quietly.
"But we don't have to... and then again, everything we do together would be super weird."
"Very weird," Peter agrees.

We're silent for some extended amount of time.
"If we were to...you know...we would still be friends, right?" I ask finally.
"That is up to you. Though... things are always complicated. Maybe this could be one of those things."
I simper. "Sure. Complicated is a good thing to leave this situation at."

Peter smiles, then he kisses me on the cheek.
I give him a long look. "I still have no idea what this is."
"Things are always complicated with you, Fiona. That's not a bad thing."

Sirens from police cars begin to wail. Peter and I look down at the city.
In unison, we pull on our masks.
"Ready?" I get in a starting position.
Then together we plunge into the chaos; prepared to save people once again.

Author's Note: 
What'd you guys think? Cinematic enough? Comment below.
I know, it isn't quite like the actual movie. Sorry, I tried. But not bad, right?

I honestly thought it'd be worse. Just in time for the movie too! But stick around, because I've got a few more things up my sleeve. Yes, that's right. THIS IS NOT THE END YET.
Planning on publishing a post-credit scene, but its not set in stone.

Everything is a working progress. And you might not get a sequel right away. I've still got my Infinity War thing lined up. Yes, Fiona and Peter are in it. I'm working on stuff.
Not to worry, this is not the last time you will hear of them.

There is a Spider-Man trilogy from our friendly neighborhood Spidey. That's right the cat is out of the bag! Three movies on Tom Holland's Peter Parker are coming, including Homecoming. But lets not get too excited.

Alright, for more of Fiona and her friends, you can find her in her own story: Intensity.
Do not forget to vote guys, this story in a runner up for a Wattys. Although I do not expect it at all to win one.

Anyway, I'm outtta here. (For now.) I've gotta write about pirates, Wonder Woman, and Quake.
      ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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