12- The Good and The Bad

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School is a pain in my ass. More so the work, than the kids that go there. Not today its not.

Flash Thompson is a guy of his word, because Peter and I got our butts kicked, just like he promised. Leaning towards the verbal side than physical.

"What's the matter Parker? Can't take a joke?" Flash taunts.

Peter, trying not to look hurt, glares at the bully.

"That's enough, Flash," I snarl at him.

"You should talk Justice, you may act tough, but deep down you're a pathetic loser."

My eyes widen slightly, as I'm transported back to my old school, at age eleven. A mean blond girl called me the exact same thing, and told me to drink bleach. I was still the nerd I am today, and witnessed her tearing up my Avengers comic book, and the beheading of my Storm action figure. Later on, that day, I had spent the rest of my day crying in my room.

"You're just a snobby, rich, jerk of a bully," I spat. "I think that you take out your pain out on others to make yourself feel better." I think I went too far.

"You have some nerve Justice. But don't think that I can't--"

"What? Throw money at it?" I ask, flashing a fierce look at him that would make some of the worst criminals have second thought about taking me on.

Flash looks somewhat hesitant on whether to continue the fight. Then the cracking of his friend's knuckles bring him back to his main goal, making Peter's school life as miserable as possible.

Flash takes a threatening step towards Peter, but I intercept him. "Knock it off," I growl.

But Flash doesn't pay any attention to my angered warning. "Hey Parker," he says, nearly shouting. "Your parents didn't want you? That's the reason why you stay with your aunt, right?" He delivered the fatal blow.

I flick my gaze over to Peter, he looks utterly speechless, and close to tears. Flash looks triumphantly at hurting Peter's feelings; which sends rage flowing through me.

"SHUT UP!" I yell, "YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!" My voice was so loud, a few students stopped what they were doing. I half expected a teacher to come out and punish us all, but none came.

Flash seeming to be taken a back by my sudden unstoppable anger, retreats, with his stupid friends down the hallway.

I turn to Peter, and gaze at him sympathetically. "Peter... I..." I can't find any words to say to him. There was a reason why he lives with his Aunt May, but I never dared to ask why.

"Its okay, really," Peter says, wiping  a single tear from his face. "Its fine."

"No, its not," I said. "You shouldn't go through this, no one should. I can't stand you getting picked on anymore."

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now