|Infinity War Preview|

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"Commander Hill," I said. Then all the attention is turned to me. "You had someone call me in Queens earlier, what as that about?"
Tony eyes Hill, "Was that about who I thought it was?"
"No, it was not about Spider-Man," Maria Hill says. "Fiona, we'll talk about this later."
Fury gives Hill a look that makes the idea of 'later' unsettling.

"Okay," I exhale, and cross my arms. "What are we here for? To meet Captain Marvel?"
"We? No, there is no we, you are going to leave the room and wait until we're done." Tony guides me to the door.
I look over at Beth to see if she's going to intervene with him. She does not. I get hustled out the exit, and the door closes shut. I leave out a frustrated huff.
Why can't I be involved? What was so important?
There were windows on the side of the meeting room. I race outside, but by the time I get there, the windows were shut by blinds and shades.

Given up all hopes in listening in, I lean against the building. My phone buzzes in my jean pocket. I put the device to my ear. "Hey Peter."
"Where are you? I've been looking for you all over Queens."
I smirk, "that's because I'm not there. I'm upstate."
"Wait, you're at the Avengers Facility, and you didn't tell me?"

"Relax, Spidey. I can't hear anything they're talking about."
"Who's talking about what? Fiona, you better not be going on a top-secret Avenger mission without me."
"If this was a mission, I would not being talking to you right now."
"Glad to know that whenever you don't answer your phone that that's the reason why."
I laugh, "not entirely."
"Soo, when do you think I'll meet all the Avengers?"
My smile disappears, "um. I don't know. The government still considers Cap a, quote: 'war criminal'. I'll be happy to have you on the team though."
"Can't wait to get there."
I grin, "I can't wait for you to come too."


Author's Note:
Because I love you guys (my followers) so much... I decided to show you a tiny bit of my Avengers Infinity War story, which is not at all accurate to the movie. But at least the story is something to hold you over until the actual thing. Like what I did with this Spider-Man book.

Of course, like the movies, Spidey is going to swing back in for another movie after Infinity War. Which also calls for another story of mine for him too. That's book dos/2 for you guys after Infinity War. The name of the Infinity War story is: Who Will Avenger Us?


Okay, okay, this is officially the end of the story. Don't forget to vote if you liked this. Byeeee!
    ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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