18- Limitations

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A/N: Warning. The first part of this may be a little misleading, so hang in there.

             Shouting comes from outside of my bedroom door. My parents are arguing over my little brother not doing his homework correctly, and his slacking. My brother, Ethan, is nine, and is crying in his room, because his iPad got taken away; plus he got yelled at.
Welcome to my home life. Where not everyday is as nice as I'd wish it's be.

I sit on my bedroom floor, and for some reason feel really empty inside.
My family doesn't fight that much, but when they do, it makes me want to curl up into a ball, and hide.

I reach for my phone, and FaceTime Peter.

"Hi, Spidey," I said, trying my best to force a grin.

"Hey, 'Tense," Peter smiles. Then he notices something's up. "Is everything alright?"

"My parents and brother are at each other's throats."

"Oh..." he goes silent for a moment. "You can come over if you like. To get away from all of it."

"My mom's already pi-- I shouldn't swear, but she'll be really mad at me if she notices I've gone."


A scratching sound comes from outisde my closed door.
"Hold that thought," I walk over to my door, and open it.
My border collie, Dobby, scambles in. He looks upset from all the arguing and yelling people.
"Sorry," I sit back down, and stroke my dog's black ears.

"I'm sorry to ask, but is it always like that at your house?"

"No, its not. We get in fights, usually its me and my mom that 'attack' each other; but not today."

"I wish there was something I could do to help you out."

"Thanks, Peter. But you talking to me right now is helpful enough. At least I have you to talk to."

"I thought you said we were going to find Vulture today?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. I'll tell my mom that I'm going to meet you at Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York City."

"Why that specific street? And why are you telling your mom that you're meeting me there? I thought she'd be angry with you if you left."

"That's if I snuck out. Which I don't do unless its for superhero stuff. Anyway, another friend of mine lives at 177A Bleecker Street. Its a good cover-up, for hunting down Vulture."

"Okay, I'll meet you there."


I get dropped off at the corner of Bleeker Street, and unzip my hoodie; once my mom's car's out of sight. I still can't believe she let me leave the house.
I remove my jacket, revealing my Intensity suit. Its good no one's around.

I slip on my mask, and jump into the air. I scan the area.

"Looking for me?" Peter's voice startles me.

"Don't do that," I turn around to face him. He's hanging off a building, with webs.

"I saw you jump. Kind of, you're in the air, so its hard to tell." He says with amusement. "I've never seen you so scared."

"Haha, very funny. I'm shaking in my boots," I respond sarcastically.

"Where do you want to check first? I mean, he could be anywhere."

"We'll just scout, not intentionally looking for him. Just... he could also find us."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"He finds you all the time."

"That's because he hates me. To him, you're my sidekick."

"I am nobodies sidekick. Check around Brooklyn, and I'll search here."



"What do we do when we catch him? He'll escape the police."

"Let's just find him first. Its getting late, and we don't have much daylight left."

It got dark real fast.
I've looked through almost half of New York, and interrogated lots of street thugs, to find where Vulture could possibly be.
So far, all I got was he's hunting Spider-Man, an that was it. No different than I already knew.
I'm starting to think that we should just wait for Vulture to come to us. Instead of us searching for him.

I soar over the Atlantic, and watch its choppy waves crash on the coast of a peninsula.
I pause in midflight and spot Coney Island, near Brooklyn.

It looks very vacant without people on its beach.
I fly closer to it, and notice that there's fire blazing across the sand. Not a bonfire. Like wildfires flickering along the water.
"That's not right," I murmur. I move even closer.

My eyes widen, as I see a familiar red and blue shape sail through the air, and crash into a sandy heap, on the ground.
A darker figure turns toward the shape. Its Vulture and Spider-Man.

I race at the villain like a projected missile. I land feet first into the sand of the beach.
Peter lays prone on the ground. His mask isn't on his head, and his identity is completely revealed. Though I don't think Vulture cares right now.

"You had several chances to stay away, kid," Vulture takes a threatening step towards Spidey. "But you just couldn't take a hint, could you? I told you, that if you messed with me, I'm gonna kill you, and everybody you love."

That last sentence made chills run down my spine. True words of a true villain.
"Hey! Birdman!" I shout. Not really caring if I get home in a coffin.

Vulture pivots in my direction. I freeze. His glowing green eyes are even more menacing in the nighttime. He looks like some cyber bird waiting for someone to die.

"Intensity, get out of here!" Peter rasps, struggling to his feet. I stand my ground.

I open up my hands, which were clenched fists. Blue energy envelopes them, in a radiant light.
"You want a fight? Let's fight."

Vulture take out his plasma weapon and fires it up.

"Oh boy, he's got that thing," I mutter to myself, in slight surprise. I straighten up. I will (attempt to) show no fear.

"I will end you," Vulture growls.

"Funny, that sounds like something I'd say," I joke halfheartedly.
I shoot a burst of energy at the villain. At the same time, he fires his weapon off.
Both streams of power collide, and at one point, they seem to be evenly matched. The purple and blue light source illuminates the entire area. Its so bright I think I'm going blind.
Then the odds appear to go in his favor, and the jet of plasma creeps its way over to me.

Did I mention that by then the amount of energy on Vulture's side had grown at an overwhelming rate? Because the amount of power is massive, and I don't even think my vibranium woven suit can stop it, if it were to hit me.
I reach the extremity to how long I can hold off the bolt.

I leap out of the way, and smack into the beach. Without me there to stop it, the oversized plasma bullet, burns a path through the terrain. In the place of the sand, and a few plants, is pure black ash.

Vulture walks towards me, to my place on the ground. I begin to rise to my feet, but he slams a boot down on my back, and pins me down again. I strain against the weight being forced. I manage to slightly overthrow him.
I have enhanced strength, just not as much as Carol Danvers.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm stubborn." I gain my footing. I move into a fighting stance. "Hand-to-hand combat. Let's make this a fair fight."

Vulture's weapon goes off, sending me spiraling a ways away. I crash like a fallen plane.

"I don't play by the rules," Vulture yells over, with a sinister note in his voice.

I look at the villain through the reeds, from my crumbled position. He turns back to Spider-Man, ready to finish him off. I watch as my friend binds webbing to the Vulture's wings, and yanks him back. I can only hear the sounds of fighting, as they get move out of view.

"Get up," I tell myself. I slowly pull myself up. I take a second to recollect, and then I fly upward.
I see Vulture kick Peter, and anger starts to build.

I dive downward at Vulture and smash into him. I repeatedly punch him over and over, until my knuckles hurt really bad.
I stand up, and pant heavily. I realize that I dragged him pretty far, and there's a long trail of dug up sand in our wake. Vulture doesn't get up.

I glance around for Peter. I find him in a crouched position, a few meters away. I rush over to him.
"Are you okay?" I grab ahold of his suit, and help him up by his arm.

Spidey coughs a couple times, "yeah. I think I got sand in my mouth."

"Me too. He hits hard. I think I have a bruise on my..." I stop. "Vulture's gone."

"What?" Peter follows my gaze, and finds the uninhabited imprint of the villain, with its owner nowhere to be found.

"He flew away. He didn't even stay to try to kill us."

Peter leans against me, as I steady him. "I stopped him before he had another chance to hurt you," he says.

I look at him, "thanks."

"I'm just happy you're okay. For a second, I thought I lost you."

"Still alive," I release him from my grip. "We'll protect those closest to you. No one dies."

Peter nods, "you have to be careful."

"Vulture's said he'll kill everyone you love. I'm fine. I'm more worried about you, and your aunt's safety."

"I'm worried about you too. What if he attacks you and--"

"You act as though I matter to you."

"You do. You're... of course you matter to me."

I smile gently. "We'll get Vulture next time. Together."

Author's Note: Sorry its kinda short, and the ending's abrupt, and how most of this part is sort of centered around the fight with Vulture.

Also dropped some Doctor Strange references, since 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York City is the address of the doctor's Sanctum Sanctorum.
Fiona mentioned Captain Marvel, who's real name is Carol Danvers. Carol Danvers/Captian Marvel (played by Bree Larson) will also be in the Avengers Infinity War movie. References and Easter eggs people.

Originally, this fight was supposed to be before they saved people at the Washington trip. Along with Peter getting his suit taken away by Tony Stark. Oops, that was a spoiler for the movie. Possibly. I shouldn't be giving this away.

The line when Vulture says 'I will kill you, and everyone you love,' it is unclear who he is talking to. Fans think he is talking to Spider-Man, but the Vulture is in a car, when delivering the line, and is addressing someone in the back seat. It is also theorized that he could be talking to Tony, but again, it isn't set in stone whom he is actually saying this line to. (2/20/17)

Yay for superhero awesomeness! Let me know if you liked this part, and give this a vote. Byeeeeeeee!   ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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