28- The Hunt For Criminals

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A/N:  Raphael "Rafi" Rivers is played by Nick Robinson.

I'm standing in my backyard, talking to June.
She's hanging upside down from the fence, with her short, curly, dirty-blond hair dangling against the wood. "So his sickness is?" She's asking about Peter.

"Something that starts with L," I inform her, with crossed arms.

"Leparcy?" June guesses.

I give her a look, "he wouldn't be at school if he had that."

June shrugs, "as long as its not contagious."
"I doubt whatever he has is."

My bestie pulls herself back up to the top of the fence. Then she jumps off, and lands right on the other side. "We can always disscuss this later."

"Where are you going?" I call to her.

"I told you I have a doctor's appointment," she replies, then she closes the door.

"Uh, right. I totally forgot about that," I mutter. I cram my hands into my jean pockets, and walk away back to my house.

I get smashed into a brick wall, and I'm pretty sure I heard something crack. I'm surprised my mask didn't fall off from the force.
A noise comes in through my coms. "Yeah?" I rasp.
"Fiona, where are you?" Peter asks through the temporary static.

"Busy." I slingshot myself away from the wall, and barrel into a group of street thugs.
"Doing what?"
"Umm... Important stuff-- Ack," I yelp, as I get kicked in the thigh.

"Fiona Rose Justice, you better not be crime-fighting without me."
"Damn. I shouldn't have told you my middle name," I growl.
"That's your own fault."
"Yeah, I'm aware." I sock some tattooed guy in the face.

Peter laughs for a short while, then asks, "do you need me to come and help you?"
"No. You stay wherever you are. Ah! You stupid son of a--"
"I'm taking that as a 'yes'. Don't get yourself killed."
"Spidey, don't come here. I mean it." I say through gritted teeth.
"What am I supposed to do? Stand by while you get your ass handed to you?"
"Yes. That is exactly what you're supposed to do."

"You won't let me help because you want to be independent?"
"I'm going to kick your butt if you don't stop." My hands light up with energy.
"No. I won't, and do you know why?"
I shoot a ball of power at a criminal, whom was carrying a bunch of ID cards which I'm positive do not belong to her. "Why?"

"Because if I let you get hurt then that is going to torture me for weeks."
"I..." I pause.
Unfortunately for me, that one pause caused a mob of thugs to attack me. I get punched in the face repeatedly. I must have been making enough noise filled with pain, because my coms start buzzing with no one of the other end.
I send a burst of energy, but not enough to kill anyone. Which it's hard to control that small amount of energy among that people, without a casualty.

The group falls, except for one. "I suggest you run," I tell the one standing guy. He has a bandana wrapped around his face up to the bridge of his nose.
"No, I think its best you leave," the bandana guy says stepping forward.
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Neither am I." The guy lunges forward without warning.
Luckily, my quick reflexes come back fast enough to catch his fist.

Then the guy flies back, and I did not even start throwing punches yet.
"Wow," Peter's voice. "You seriously couldn't come up with better things to do than pick a fight with one of the most dangerous heroes?"

Bandana guy struggles against Spider-Man's grip. "She can't be that dangerous."
I hold up my hand, which bursts into blue power, "try me."
"You can't scare me," bandana guy narrows his eyes.
"Okay smartass," I reach out for his bandana, and yank it off.
My eyes widen. I could not have guess that is would ever be...

"Rafi?" I knew his hazel eyes looked familiar.
"You know him?" Spidey turns his head to look at my friend.
"How do you know my name?" Rafi asks.
Right. He has no idea I'm Intensity.
"Your friend Fiona told me," I lie.
"That girl is something else," Rafi murmurs.
Peter lets go on Rafi. "Hopefully you mean that in a good way."
Was that a threatening tone of voice coming from Peter? I most likely hallucinated that.

"What's she matter to you?" Rafi glances at Spidey.
"Uh..." Peter just shrugs.
"Okay you two. That's enough." Then my phone starts buzzing. I take it out of my belt. Why does it have to ring at the worst time? I answer, "hello?"

A voice I did not think I would hear for a long while comes on, "Fiona?"
"Cap?" I blink rapidly trying to register. "Are you okay? How's Wakanda? And Bucky?"

"Fine, for now," he says. "Tony's not being too difficult on you is he?" The Captain's tone grows serious.
"Iron Man is very slowly becoming less of a pain," I reply. I glance over at Peter and Rafi. They stand there like statues, not making a noise or sound. 

"Listen, I've got to go... There's some trouble here--" static breaks up his voice. "--be careful--" more static. "Fiona, I want you to--" Then there's nothing.
"Captain? CAP?" I take my phone away from my ear, and look down at the screen. The line is dead.
I put my phone away. If I started to fly to Africa, there would be nothing to fight by the time I get there. I glance at Peter and Rafi.

"Sorry 'bout Captain America," Spider-Man said.
"He's not dead," I tell him.
"I'm sure he's fine, 'Tense."
"You don't know Steve like I do."
"Rafi, I think you should leave," I cut off Spidey. "Don't hang out with those losers ever again." I order my friend.
"I don't hang out with them. I use them to scare the bullies away at my school."
I remember those kids who bullied me and my friends. I nod, "of course. But stay away from them still, they're crooks and thieves."
Rafi gives me a long look, then says, "okay."

I manage a smile, "now go home."
Rafi leaves, and disappears around the corner. I turn back to Peter.
"So are you guys like a thing?" Peter asks.
"No. I mean, I thought about that a few times. Between him and Chris, I just decided we'd be best off as friends. Calista said that was a mistake, but I don't think it is."
"Why's that?"
"It might just give me some time to open up to someone else... But that won't happen, I'm too ugly for anyone to like me that way."

"That's not true."
"Well then, prove it."
Peter goes quiet.  I sigh, and rise up above the buildings. Spider-Man follows, though its more slower than his normal pace. 

I glance up at the sky, "I miss the stars," I say randomly. "That's why I always loved the countryside. Sure there are mosquitoes in the warm weather, but it allowed me to stargaze... Sometimes I wish I could move back to out in the middle of nowhere, in Connecticut... Or at least have Thor bring me to Asgard where the stars barely leave sight."

Peter looks up at me from a rooftop. "Would you be happy if you got to  see the stars?"

"What makes you think I'm not happy?" I train my eyes on the sky, which is growing dark.

"I just... you..."

I give my watch a quick glance, and notice what time it is. "I'm sorry, I've got to go. But I promise I'll talk to you later." Then I rocket through the air, heading for my own house.

"Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...ugh... seventeen," I flop on the ground. "How's that?"

June looks down at me, "can you do more push-ups than that?"
"More than seventeen? The passing amount is twenty for gym." I get to my feet, my hands have grass stuck to them, from the school grounds.

"Yeah. And that was only seventeen."
"My hands slipped," I pick up my backpack.

"Sure they did," Michelle says walking up to us. "And Peter can just magically do ten pull-ups." She said that in a sarcastic way.

"What? Parker's athletic now?" June raises her eyebrows.  
"Ha, you're telling me. That is just as weird as one of the characters in my book learning how to survive a sinkhole filled with lava."
"Michelle," I said, "sinkholes aren't filled with lava. It doesn't go down that far through the Earth's crust."
"Whatever, its a story, Fiona."

Someone taps on my shoulder, I pivot, and find myself facing Ned.
"What's up?" I ask Peter's best friend.
"I was wondering how Peter's new intern job is doing," Ned says.

"His what? When did he get that? For who?" I'm very confused.

"Well he got it a few weeks ago, and its an internship for 'Mr. Stark'."

"He did not tell me that."

"I'm guessing he didn't tell you about the NBA tickets his boss got him then?"
"This is all new information," I try not to appear as shocked as I am.
"Oh crap. I forgot he said not to tell you."
"Isn't that super?" I grumble with a slight note of sarcasm.

"I'm going to go now before I reveal more stuff," Ned begins to leave.
I snag his arm, "what more stuff?"
"Uh, nothing. Look at the time, I'm late for Spanish."

I pull him back. "Tell me what Peter's up to."
"I promised I wouldn't tell."
I let go of him.
"Ow," Ned rubs his arm. "You have a really strong grip."
"Sorry." I have to be more careful with my super strength.
"Too bad you can't ask Iron Man what's going on," Ned said.
"Yeah, too bad." I say as the bell rings.
Also too bad for Ned that he does not know I am Intensity, because I have now gotten all the information I need to find out what Peter's been hiding from me.

Author's Note:
And I think we are getting to the end of our/their story. Gotta wrap up before Homecoming, (and summer camp for me). Still running out of ideas here.
Book 2 is probably coming after my Infinity War storyline. I'm thinking about it. I've already got the cast written up, more or less.
My question is for you guys: Do you want to story to be told all by Fiona? Or do you want the story to be told by multiple characters? Comment below with your answer.

Okay, Black Widow/ Natasha Romanoff fans. I have got a Black Widow story for all of you. Check it out if you like this story. No pressure btw.

For more of Fiona, check out her solo storyline in INTENSITY: SEASON 1 located on my profile. There is featured June, Calista , Rafi, and Fiona's other friends. In TV style, complete with gif/ commercial breaks, which last only a few seconds. Same kickass fun. Same superhero awesomeness brought to you by S.A. Comics.

Don't forget to vote. That's up to you though.  I'm moving up the charts! Okay, I've gotta go obsess over more superheroes.   Byeeeee!
             ~ SHIELD-Avenger 

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