About Fiona Justice and The Author

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[Above is the official Spider-Man Theme for Spider-Man Homecoming]

Hey everyone! This is SHIELD-Avenger, here to talk about my story, myself (maybe not), and of course, Fiona Justice. Think of this part in the story as your bonus features.

About The Author :
Hi, I'm SHIELD-Avenger. You're story author on almost everything superhero, both MARVEL and DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, sometimes Percy Jackson and mythology, plus Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm also a nerdy American, so don't judge me.
(I have decided not to include my actual name, and most 'About The Author' stuff does have a picture of themselves. But since the internet is filled with creeps, I am still deciding on whether to put a pic of my face.)
I could talk about Tom Holland, but you guys might not want to hear about that. Teehee.

About The Story :
Okay. Like most people, I loved Tom's performance as our web-slinger. Now that he is the official and now claimed as the best Spider-Man, and Homecoming is out, (YEEEESS!!! FINALLY!) there is now a Spider-Man trilogy set in stone.

I wrote this story not just because of Tom's good looks, but because he literally is Spidey.
I've read the Spider-Man comics, and though I have not seen the movie yet, because its the day after its release. No throwing tomatoes. I absolutely cannot see anyone else as Spidey,
and maybe I can be in on the future movies.? Its worth a shot, I am an actress after all.

About Fiona Justice :
Unlike my other character Sky McGray/Electrical Strike, whom I created before I set her up as a superhero in the DC universe, Fiona was made for this story only. Then like Sky, I placed her into her own origin story, set up her friends and family, and a place to live.

Fiona, in her origin story, [which is created like a TV show,] lives in Harford Connecticut. Hartford is a real city, like most Marvel locations are based on real places.
Though Fiona only mentions her old home a few times in the story, that was where she learnt to be a hero. The story itself does not develop fully into her background history, but you can read about it in stories in the upcoming future. You can also read about it on my profile, just click on my Intensity: season 1  story.

Fiona's friends: June, Rafi, and Calista are also in her origin story, featured in the book, interacting with Peter Parker and Fiona. They are what help shape Fiona as a person and character.
Of course you have the Avengers that help out with Fiona and her evolution.
Captain America/Steve Rodgers is a key to guiding Fiona to her best. Yes, their connection is obvious in the story, and Fiona mentions certain events from The Avengers movies, that draw out her place on the team. If you read my story on Black Widow: Red Agents, Beth Jamison, Fiona's cousin, talks to Natasha about her.
Beth is not included in a lot in this story, but she is a crutch for Fiona when she needs it. Beth is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and goes by Stealth Hunter, a right hand for Hawkeye and Black Widow when needed. Fiona talks about the two assassins to Peter, as well as dropping an Easter Egg about the Nation of Wakanda.

Fiona is portrayed as the amazing Madison McLaughlin, whom can be found in Arrow, Supernatural, etc. But originally, Fiona was supposed to be an Asian superhero, like Sky McGray.
Fiona was not meant to be tall, because you can still be small and kickass,(she is around 5 feet in height,) nor was she meant to be the stereotype of superheroes. Though she does give off some vibes of that. She is, however, a nerd.
Fun fact, Fiona is almost fully based off a real person, and shares the same thoughts, features, and personality attributes, she has her limits because she is not exactly mirroring the person.
Moving on...

Here's the first cover draft

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Here's the first cover draft. I made a more basic one that is designed to be the official one, but then again, things change.

Do Not Forget: Avengers Infinity War is coming out May 4th 2018, so Fiona will be in the battle against Thanos to save the universe. For my story anyway. Stay tuned, I'll be publishing that sometime in the future.
I think that's it guys. Gotta go and write about more superheroes and stuff.
Keep Web-Slinging!
     ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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