7- Vulture Is Circling

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I drop down into the busy city street. People stare at me. Some take out their phones and start filming a video. "Damn it, why do people do that?"

Peter drops down beside me. "It gives you fame in school."

"That doesn't answer my question, Spidey," I smirk at him.

Then people start screaming. "We got a 06732," I said, walking towards the chaos.

"What's a 06732?"

"SHIELD identification code for a possible terrorist attack."

Buzzing fills my ears. A voice comes into my earpiece. "Testing, one, two, three."

"Tony? What are you doing on my comms?"

"I've changed my mind, Underoos has to come back now."

"I don't think he wants to," I said picking up my pace.

"Fiona, I-don't-know-your-middle-name, Justice. You get back here right now, and bring my rookie."

"Actually, I think he's a pro. He's gotta learn at some point."

"And so do you. You're only kids. Since, I'm the adult, I'm ordering you to come back here. I want you two to stay out of trouble."

"We're teenagers, Stark. We always get into trouble, superheroes or not. Now I can see why Natasha calls you a pest. Bye." I turn my earpiece off on him.

I catch a glimpse of a violet looking light coming at me. I shoot up into the air, avoiding the ray of destruction. "What is..?"

I pivot to see an unmistakable dark figure, with a ring of feather around its neck, hovering above the ground. Vulture.

I see Peter flip out of the way of a purple beam. "Why can't Vulture stop bothering Spidey?" I fly after the battling pair. I pick up speed. My fist engulfs with energy. I whack Vulture, sending him off course. The beam of light, which looks a lot like plasma, misses Peter by a few feet.

Vulture spirals back into control, and the place in his mask, where his eyes show, glowing green.

"So, Spider-Man can't fend for himself, and calls in his buddy? Just another person for me to kill," the bird man says.

"Safety in numbers," I said, "where's your army?"

"I don't need one, when I have my devices."

I don't even have time to react, when a bolt of electrically charged power smacks into me.

The momentum, sends me up quite a ways. Then I plummet down again, and smash into a stand set up on the street corner. A couple people scream in surprise, at my sudden entrance.

Whatever was under me, must be pretty broken. I struggle to keep conscious. Pain rakes through my limbs, and chest. "Gaah," I yelp, as I try to gain my footing.

I'm surprised my vibranium stitched suit held up, with that amount of power. I'm even more shocked to find that I'm still in one piece. 

"Sp-Spidey, come in... Vulture has a device planted..."

"I already took care of it. You okay? He--" A loud bang breaks his voice up. "--hit you pretty hard. I can come and--"

"Nope," I regain control of my breathing. "I'm good now. I'll come to you."

I rise off the ground. I see some camera flashes go off. That's going to be everywhere, I think to myself. I scan the area for Vulture, it doesn't take long for me to find him.

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now