TRAILER / Prologue (ft. the Avengers)

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Author's Note: Captain America Civil War Trailer rights are reseved to its owner (which is not me). There's a spoiler, if you haven't seen the movie. The prologue, down below, takes place in the airport scene, btw.


"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky says. I look from Bucky to Cap.

"Stark," Sam said.

"Stark?" Scott asks.

"What now, Steve?" I ask Captain America.

"Suit up," Steve replies. I put on my black mask. I adjust my suit, and zip my leather boots.  Some of the team has already left. I walk out of the main level of the parking garage, following close behind Clint and Wanda.

"I can't believe we're bringing a kid into this," Clint muttered.

"I'm not that much of a kid, Hawkeye," I said.

"If you're younger than me, you are," Wanda says to me. I brush my brown hair out of my face. I squint at figures in the distance.

"Is that Tony and Rhodes? Who's that on the van? In the red and blue suit?" I stare down at them. Cap is trying to talk to them, and he has white things tying his hands together.

"What the h--" I pause as Clint shoots an arrow and frees Caps hands. The red and blue guy falls off the van and Ant-Man (Scott) appears. He returns Cap's shield to him, the next thing I know Tony's coming right at us, in his Ironman suit.

"Uuuuh, Clint, Wanda, he's heading towards us."

"We got this," Wanda said. "Go check on the others."

"And don't get caught, or killed," Clint adds.

"Okay, I'll try," I launch myself into the air and take flight. Flying, quick reflexes, can shoot energy blasts, and tripled amounts of strength (not really super strength, but I'm stronger than the average human being) are my powers.

I fly by Tony as fast as I can. I glance back, he seems to have more interest in Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye, than a teenaged girl.

I hover for a few seconds. I spot Steve taking on Black Panther. I head over that way, but then stop. A flash of red and blue catches my eye. The guy on the van, who's after Falcon and Bucky.

"Make up your mind Fiona," I said to myself. "Help Cap, or aid Falcon and Bucky."

I watch as the red and blue guy breaks the window of the building, kicks Falcon, and tries to fight Bucky. "Aid Bucky and Sam," I mutter.

I dive through the air and shoot through the broken hole in the glass. I land in a (epic) superhero pose. I grin. Then it fades as Falcon kicks the red and blue guy right in my direction. I duck, and watch as the red and blue guy grapples with Sam.

"You have the right to remain silent," the red and blue guy yelled. Falcon shakes him off, and the red and blue guy draws a rope out and swings onto the metal beams of the airport. No, not rope, I thought. There are webs coming from his hands.

"He's like a spider," I said in disbelief.

"Did you see him crawl across the glass?" Bucky asks, rubbing his head. "Wait, why are you here anyway? You're supposed to be with--"

"First of all, Buck, I'm not a five year old. I can take care of myself, and I'm a superhero. Like you and the others."

Bucky laughs a little. "I'm not a superhero, Fiona. I'm a fugitive."

"If that's what Tony said, then that's a bull-crap. Come on, lets kick their asses."

"Um, sorry, Intensity? Right, its Intensity?" the spider guy asks me. I didn't even know he was hanging over me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about this," the spider guy shoots a web right at my arm. My arm's stuck to the floor. I growl in frustration as I try to get my limb unstuck. I crane my neck to see what's going on. I see Falcon and Bucky getting their butts kicked, by a rookie. A new hero, not experienced.

I burn away the webbing with my one energy bursts. I leap to my feet, to see Sam's drone carry the red and blue man out the window. I rush over to where Sam and Bucky lay on the ground.

"You guys okay?" I shout down.

"Go ahead," Sam rasped up to me. "We'll catch up."

I fly out, and survey the scene. Then I see Cap and the others running. I drop down and run with them. We all come to an abrupt halt, as Vision burns a line into the asphalt of the runway.

"Captain Rodgers please stand down," Vision commands. "I know that what you think you're doing is right, but for the greater good, you must surrender now."

"What do we do Cap?" Sam asks.

Steve pauses and looks at the line of heroes, almost all are friends. Avengers.

"Steve?" I look up at him.

"...We fight," he says finally. At first we start to walk forward, and then we burst into a sprint. I jump into the air, and fly right into the swarm. The first I clash with, is the spider guy.

We fall onto the ground, I pull myself up, and plant a knee on his chest. "Stand down, spider guy, you don't want to mess with us."

"Actually," the spider guy says. "Its Spider-Man." He kicks me off, and I land on my back. Spider-Man stands over me. He holds up his hand, and looks like he's about to shoot a web. I hold up both of my hands, and am about to aim energy bolts right at him.

Then I scooped off the ground, and Ironman flings my into the air. I gain control and hover above the ground. "I'm not registering to the dumb Accords," I said to him.

"You're not old enough anyway," Tony said, shooting me down with bullets. Thank God, my suits bulletproof.

"Stop picking on her, Tony," Cap shouts. Tony dives at him.

"Tell her to stop hitting my recruit!" Then the two start fighting all over again.

Everything was a blur after that, the next thing I remember is an airplane was about to fall on me, if Wanda hadn't gotten me out of the way. Cap and Bucky are on the move, and are trying to get to a quinjet. Scott's a giant, and the rest are trying to fend off the other team.

Clint's taking on Black Panther, and Spider-Man is attempting to stop Scott. I can't see Natasha (Black Widow) and Wanda's fighting War Machine. I shoot up like a projectile and smack into Tony. He goes quite a ways. Jim (War Machine) turns and sends a missile into me, luckily its a small one. I fall again, right into the pavement.

"Ow," I groan, and I get to my feet. I left a dent in the tar. "You're gonna pay Rhodes!" I yell up to him.

"No, you are," Tony said, walking over. A ball of energy hovers above my palm. I swing it at him. It hits his suit and it starts to spark.

"It might combust," I comment. "C'mon, Ironman. Hit me with your best shot." I send more power surges at Tony, but I'm wiped out by Spider-Man. At the same time, Scott falls like a chopped down tree, and returns to his normal size. Cap and Bucky take off in the quinjet.

I tumble away from Spider-Man, a good ten meters. I feel dazed, and I lift my head up. I see Tony go over to Spider-Man and talk to him, and then take off.

I flop back down on the ground, until Wanda comes over to me. "They're coming to get us," she said. "Fly back home, and we'll see you soon."

"But Wanda..."

"They can't catch you, Fiona. Fly."

I obey her, and I head home. I'll just have to fight another day.

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