26- Teenagers In Tights

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A/N: Calista Miller is played by Sarah Hyland.

I pace back and forth across my room. "So, let me get this straight. You came over just so that we could work on your homework?"

My friend Calista shrugs, "not really, but yeah."
I sigh, and hop onto to my bed with her. "What's the homework?"
"Romeo and Juliet," she replies. "It's boring." Callie hands me the book.

"Good thing we don't have to read that in my school," I flip through the pages. "I'm not really a fan of this stuff."
"I guess we start with Act 2 Scene 2," Calista flops backward and stares at the ceiling.
"But that's not the beginning," I object.
"Doesn't matter."
"Oookay," I open to the second scene. "Isn't this the balcony scene?"
"I thought you weren't into theater."
"I am, you just never noticed it."

"We'll skip the first few lines," Calista decides randomly.
"Read Juliet's line please."
I don't argue, stand up and scim the page. "Uh..."
"It's just a book Fiona, its not like you have to stand in front of a crowd."
"Okay, okay, I'm reading... Romeo, Romeo where art thou Ro--" I stop in mid-sentence  as something hits my window.

Calista sits up, and jumps off the bed. "What was that?"
I do not answer her, and walk over to my windowsill. I open the window.

Below in the darkened street is Peter. He's wearing a tanktop and jeans, with a gym bag in his hand.
Calista looks over my shoulder, her eyes widen slightly. "Oh my God, arms."
I ignore her comment. "Hey Peter."

"Hi," he says from the ground. "You busy?"
"I have my friend over," I tell him. Calista taps me on the collar bone. "Hold on a sec." I turn around to face her. "What?"
"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend," she says grinning.
"I don't. Peter's a friend."
"Not with those biceps he's not," Callie said. "But he's not as cute as Chris though."
I give her an eye roll that would probably make Iron Man proud.

Pivoting to the window, I lean almost out of the frame. "Is there anything I can help you with Peter?" I look down at the brown haired boy. "Like job issues?"
"Not at the moment. I was wondering if we could hang out, but you're busy so I'll see ya around."  Spidey replies, he begins to walk away.
"Hey wait!" I call to him, nearly falling out the window.
Peter turns around.
I regain my balance, "I cannot possibly count the times I've fallen for you...literally."
"Sorry, again... Do you want me to climb up?"

Calista yanks me back inside. "You sure you and Mr. Brown Eyes aren't a thing?" She asks for the second time. "Funny how he came the second you said 'Romeo, Romeo where art'--"
"Will you stop?" I cut her off abruptly, there's an edge in my voice. "I'm starting to wish June were here to help me out with you."
"Please," she flips her hair dramatically. "I am not that hard to handle. C'mon invite him up. Wait, how can he climb up? There's nothing to climb."
I skip over her question, and glance back at Peter. "Is it okay if I meet you at Times Square, for our job?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll be there."
"Great," I grin. I watch Peter walk off, and close the window.

Calista puts her hands on her hips. "Why does June know about him, and you didn't bother telling me?"
"You texted her?"
"Uh, yeah," she says
"June and I go to the same school as Peter. No big deal." I face-plant into my bed.
"You know you do a thing when you lie, right?"
"What thing?" I ask in a muffled voice, not moving from my position.
"You get this twitch in your upper lip, like you're about to smile."
"I do not."
"I think it is a big deal. Because you like this Peter guy."
"That is not true," I sit up and whirl around to face her.
"Aw, your face is red. You like him."
"Callie, you need to stop."
"So what's the 'job'?" She puts job in air-quotes.
Realizing that the conversation might endanger my superhero identity, I go with, "a job at the Daily Bugle." I lied about that one, and tried to keep my lip from twitching.

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